Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween! We stayed local in the neighborhood and the kids had a blast. If you follow me on instagram than you have most likely seen these costume pics.
As always the kids ended up with tons of candy, so I thought I’d quickly share some ideas for how to “recycle” some of the leftover candy instead of eating it all! I plan on doing several of these for sure.
Play sorting games with your kids. Create different ways to sort the candy- by color, by type (i.e. all lollipops, all bubble gums, all chocolate), by brands (all Snickers, all M&Ms, etc).
Build things with them- stack them as high as possible, create a maze, a mini fort, the list goes on.
Donate leftovers to the homeless shelters.
Bake with them. Use pieces for Holiday baking, stuff them into raw cupcake or cookie batter and bake per recipe instructions.
Save them for Christmas gingerbread house decorating- Twizzlers, Smarties, M&M’s to name a few make great decorating tools.
Freeze it- throughout the year add it to dessert recipes such as milkshakes, cookie dough batter, cakes, pies, etc.
Save it to decorate gifts during Christmas and Hanukkah.
Use it as a math tool. Count with it, subtract, make learning fun!
Save it for your kid’s birthday party- use it for the piñata or in your goodie bags.
Donate it to our serviceman/women overseas. Operation Shoebox is just one organization that accepts candy donations for care packages to send our troops.
Question: How do you handle Halloween candy in your house post trick-or-treating? What do you do with all of it?

This is perfect! Thank you! Even though we only hit up a few houses, we still have way more candy than we need. My kids don’t need it and I don’t either. I love the tip about donating it service men and woman. One of our local dentist offices is doing that.
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..October 2013 In Review
With my daughter’s November birthday, we usually used some of her haul for goody bags or a pinata. Now I just take it to work!
Coco recently posted..All Hallow’s Eve Book Reviews
really great tips! i would add: donate to your child’s teacher #imightbeateacher lol jk
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted..Friday Favorites
I would always save some of the candy for decorating GingerBread Houses in December!
Jennifer F recently posted..Pick-Me-Up Apple Pie Smoothie & #Smoovemeber Blender Giveaway
I used to give it away after I was done picking out my fave candies lol
Kierston @candyfit recently posted..#RECIPEFRIDAY: Low Carb Double Chocolate Raspberry Protein Cake!
Great ideas. =) I do the same thing as Kierston. I just give away the candy that I don’t like. With M&Ms, I bake cookies. Other than that, I throw the rest of the candy away.
Helen recently posted..Dragonfruit
These are great ideas 🙂 I’ll have to remember these for when I have my own kiddos one day!! PS – I LOVE your shirt. So cute.
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