Hi friends!
We are going to talk fashion today, Stitch Fix in particular (what’s Stitch Fix? Read this post). I am not sure I am going to be able to keep up posting every fix because I am getting them pretty often, however the last one was amazing (more on soon) and the two before that were bad.
I have been doing Stitch Fix for over a year now, and have my 14th box coming next month! I started to think of all the little pieces of info I’ve learned lately and thought I’d pass them along, especially for those who are new to it!
5 Stitch Fix Tips
Did you know you that they accept returns? Well they do! I’ve done it twice. And unfortunately it was due to fabric malfunction (one piece was a sheer blouse that snagged the first time I wore it). The second was this sweater that I absolutely loved and got terribly pilling and snags after about 4 wears. I expect my clothes to last for years so this was unacceptable. I simply emailed customer service both times, let them know I was disappointed and they offered an exchange for the exact item or my choice of a refund. Both cases I went with a refund. Within hours they had emailed me a pre-paid shipping label and that was it! Easy peasy.
Stylist Requests
Ok so a lot of you probably know this, but if you have luck with one stylist, you can request her again in the note section of your fix. You can also check out Stitch Fix reviews on other people’s blogs or Instagram and note their stylist if you like their style. I don’t like getting a different stylist every time. I think it make sense that one or two people get to know you.
Creating your Pinterest board
It’s very helpful for the stylists if you have an up-to-date fashion board where you pin outfits that you like. But if you want to really utilize the Pinterest boards, here is some additional info you should know. You can pin general outfits that you like and make sure to leave comments on the pins regarding what you like about it: are you pinning the colors, the pants or the lace trim on the sweater or do you just love the whole look? What ever the case, leave a short comment. You can also pin exact Stitch Fix pieces that you see, either on other people’s blogs, the Stitch Fix Blog or the Stitch Fix Pinterest boards. They often will put the exact items you have pinned in your fix (if they have them in stock of course).
Exchange Requests
You know when you would have kept a certain item if it only it were in a different size? Well you can put in a request to customer service to check if they have it and they will do their best to accommodate you. There was one or two times where I wanted to keep items but needed different sizing so I asked and they checked for me. Although both times they didn’t have the item in the size I wanted, I appreciated that they looked. You never know what they’re stock is like so it can’t hurt to ask!
When It’s All Wrong
It happened to me, it might happen to you. You get the exact opposite of everything you asked for. In the case that everything is so wrong it doesn’t make sense, email customer service. They waived my styling fee just for this reason and although I think they honor this as a one time offer (so no you can’t complain every time you don’t like a box), it’s really nice to know they are there to listen and try to make it right.
Sell or Trade
You know how that “buy all” discount often gives you a free item? Well I hear all the time, “I didn’t love “x item”, but it was cheaper to keep the whole box”. Well that’s fine, but don’t forget you can turn around and sell that item! There is an amazing Facebook group I recently found where women (who are obsessed with Stitch Fix like myself) go to buy, sell, trade and browse each other’s fixes! Within 1 hour I posted and sold a pair of gently used jeans I received in my first fix that were too big for me (they fit temporarily post baby and then I lost the baby weight). My favorite group is called Stitch Fix B/S/T and discussion. Go look it up and request to be added asap if you are into Stitch Fix. It’s also a great group to buy pieces that you might be looking for.
(I just thought of a 6th and it’s too late to change my graphic….so bonus info! Ha)
Price Match
They will price match any item you find online. It has to be the EXACT item, but I suggest googling every piece you get just to double check it’s not out there for less money.
I know people will always have something to complain about and I haven’t loved all my fixes, but I do think their customer service is amazing. Like seriously amazing.
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See you back here on Sunday for recipe redux day!
Check out past reviews (11-13 are coming!)

question…you don’t have my pant size but I am an xl in tops can I just get tops from SF?
Definitely! In your style profile there is a question that asks if they should avoid any certain category so you can check that you don’t want to receive bottoms. They also carry jewelry and purses but they don’t come as often as the clothes. Good luck Jenn!
Oh and just to be certain they notice, I’d probably write a message in the “notes” section that you only want tops. 🙂
Wow I had no idea you could sell or trade your stitch fix what a neat concept! I wish I could get it out here in Bangkok because I would totally do it! Thanks for sharing xo C
Courtney Bentley recently posted..6 Pack Ab Workout:: Pilates Inspired
Well it’s addicting and they’re taking all my money… so theres that little problem. 😉
I had no idea about most of these! I love the FB group idea. Going to check it out now!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..High Five Friday
Yes, definitely join. It’s such a great idea and I look forward to selling again when I am trying to get the discount!
Wow, that’s interesting to know there is a FB swap/sell group . . . . .I am wanting to try STitchFix more and more!
Jennifer F recently posted..How To Segment Grapefruit – More Fruit, Less Mess!
What are you waiting for girl?
Great tips! I love Stitch Fix and I love seeing what others get in their fixes. I wasn’t aware of the Facebook group so I requested to join!
Betsy recently posted..ReThink Your Sports Drink: BODYARMOR Review
Yay, I’ll see you on there!
Great tips, and what a smart idea to sell the ones you won’t be wearing! 😛 If I someday have extra monies to throw around (aka no longer in student debt), I’d love to look into this! I like the idea of someone stalking my pinterest board for what I like and finding it for me! 😛
Farrah recently posted..Foodie Friday: Rainbow Thai Salad
It is so nice, but yeah not exactly bargain shopping 🙁
I’m so excited to get my first box. Plan on getting a bunch of pictures sent to you
Yay! When is it coming?
march 2