Aetna wants to know “What’s Your Healthy?” I thought about all the things I do to live a healthy lifestyle. I am by no means perfect. I splurge every once in a while (perfect example is my last post of the chocolate cheesecake), but I do make an effort.
I have taken my New Year’s goals seriously so far because having my fourth child at the end of December was kind of a reality check. I am getting older. I have four children to raise. I want to be around for them for a long time to come and not just be around but still be active and healthy!
My mom spent a month helping me out and had the energy to deal with all four kids. Now I won’t share her age, but I would love to be as active as she is when I am older. My kids asked “will you come help us when we are married and have kids?”. Just imagining the scenario put a giant smile on my face. “Of course I will” I replied, but I guess the honest answer would be I hope! I hope I will be healthy and active and able to help out.
It’s a great motivator for me.
Today I am sharing 6 of the healthy habits I live by that make me feel better, physically and mentally:
- Laugh more. They say laughter is the best medicine and it’s true. That’s why I married such a witty man. Now that we have a house full of kids there are lots of giggles at the end of each day that melt away anxiety and stress almost immediately.
- Live more. Find your purpose. This one can be challenging. It’s easy to dream big, without taking much action. If you are not happy with the way things are going in your life whether it’s lack of job satisfaction, being in an unhealthy relationship, etc. remember you control the destiny of your life. You can make changes as easily as the next person, with determination and motivation. There is no time like the present.
- Move more. Aim to get 150-300 minutes of moderately intense or vigorous exercise each week. With that being said, adapt the motto that any activity is better than none. All those 5 and 10 minute bursts of activity add up so if you think you don’t have an hour to workout, you don’t need it! Do what you can throughout the day!
- Eat more (plants). The more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet, the better. Simple as that.
- Sleep more. Sleep allows our bodies to heal and repair. Sleep is my cure-all. Feeling sick? Stressed? Trying to lose weight? Sleep can help with all of those. I will give up everything on my “to do” list when I know I need the sleep.
- Worry less. I am still working on this one, but I definitely see progress I’ve made. The things I worry about most often are the things that are out of my control so I try to remind myself of that. Say a prayer, call a friend, meditate. Instead of worrying, embrace optimism.
Speaking of sleep, Alison Sweeney, actress, TV host and author, shares a great tip below for sleeping better.
So Aetna wants to know “What’s Your Healthy?”. It’s different for all of us so I’d love to hear what makes you feel your best.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of AETNA®. The opinions and text are all mine

I love all your tips Melanie and I definitely try to do all of them. I definitely need to work on the sleep one! My mother amazes me too – strong, healthy and active. I want to be like that!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Favorites Lately
Yes, I have noticed some very late comments from you since I am PST and you are EST 😉 I always think man she stays up late!
Laughter all day every day is my motto!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..5 Reasons to Workout in the Morning
REST, the body and mind. So important.
Kierston recently posted..Baking Artisan Bread: A Vessel to Tranquillity.
MOVE MORE! Itz so important to be active EVERYDAY! Not necessarily gym-active, but at least moving in some way!! And I would add drinking plenty of water!!
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted..No More Rabies Vaccinations
Great point! I have been working out almost everyday but then I am home the rest of the day with the littles and I am definitely not moving as much as the old me. Waiting for the babe to get a little older so I can take her out more.
I will skip the gym or cancel plans to get sleep!! Momma needs her sleep!
Yes! I am soooo grumpy without my sleep and not a very good mommy.