I started my blog with the intention of posting both recipes and nutrition information. Then I found myself falling in love with photographing food so it was hard for me to post a non-recipe, picture post. After blogging for 2 years and learning what is and isn’t working, I’ve come to realize it’s pretty tough for me to get in 3 posts a week of great recipes and nice photographs. In the past I would just not post anything at all if I didn’t have a good recipe to share. I would try to intertwine my nutrition tips and info within those recipe posts, but have found that doing separate posts on occasion about nutrition or fitness really works for me. I don’t have the pressure to crank out recipes all week and I get to share my nutrition knowledge with you. Hopefully this works for you too!
So I want to talk about water because it is so important for good health and weight loss. People always want to know how much they should be drinking. Here is a little info about requirements and tips on improving your intake.
Why is water so important when it has no vitamins, few minerals and no calories? Water makes up ~60% of the body’s total weight and is necessary for carrying out many life-dependent functions such as digestion, absorption, tissue building, lubrication of joints, toxin and waste excretion, blood circulation and transportation of nutrients. If you’ve ever seen that show “I Shouldn’t Be Alive” then you’d see firsthand that a person can survive weeks without food, but only days without water. For those people trying to lose weight, it definitely helps to guzzle a big glass of water before eating. It will help fill you up and let your body figure out whether or not it is truly hungry.
How much water should I drink? The very general guideline is 8 cups a day, but really this can vary quite a bit. For example, people living in hot climates or high altitudes might need up to 6 times this amount, depending on environmental factors and activity level. Another common rule of thumb is to consume one cup or water for every 20 pounds of body weight. Factor in more if you exercise. If running long distances, you can always weigh yourself before and after long runs to make sure you have properly replenished.
How will I know that I haven’t had enough? Usually when you are to the point of mild dehydration you will feel fatigue, hunger and thirst. If your urine is dark yellow rather than clear, you need to drink more water. Remember you want to consume water before you get to that feeling of thirst.
Does tea and coffee count towards my water intake? Yes. Research has shown that tea and coffee count toward your water intake, as well as calorie-free drinks (not including soda) like vitamin water or Crystal Light, however too much caffeine can have a diuretic effect so it’s best to get at least half your water from plain water. If you don’t like plain water, try adding fresh fruit (lemon, lime or orange slices) or even cucumbers to jazz up the flavor rather than drinking the artificially sweetened ones. Water truly is best- it’s free of cost and free of calories!
What are ways I can increase my water intake?
- Buy a reusable water bottle to take to work or out on errands.
- Measure out 8 cups of water into a pitcher that you can leave out in your kitchen or at your desk.
- Every time you pass a water fountain, take 8 big sips.
- Add high water content foods to your diet such as fruits, vegetables and soups.
- Decrease your caffeine consumption since it results in water loss.
- Set a glass of water next to everyone’s plate at the dinner table.
- Make a water intake chart so that you are more aware of your consumption.
- Drink from a larger cup so you don’t have to constantly refill your glass.
Drinking water is definitely part of my health routine but not everyone has the same affinity. I used to work with a gentleman who drank nothing but diet soda because he couldn’t stand water. Truly it makes me less hungry, more alert and my body just craves it. I can’t be found without a water bottle nearby.
If it’s a challenge for you to consume an adequate amount of water, I suggest making it a mini-goal to work on. Hopefully it will soon become a new healthy habit!
Questions/comments? I am happy to help! Is it hard for YOU to drink enough water? Do you notice it helps with weight loss? Do you love water as much as I do?

I love water. I’ll add lemon to my water if I need some variety but I eliminated sodas, and all artificial stuff a while ago. I definitely agree that carrying a water bottle around is a huge help in getting all the water you need for your day.
Great tips!
E recently posted..hikes lately
Good for you! I love my water bottle but almost feel too attached to it. Haha. Oh well! There are worse things!
I took me awhile to actually like water, I almost never drank it as a kid. Now I love it, but still have a hard time getting enough of it. I’ve started carrying a reusable water bottle with me everywhere that has measurements on the side so I have a good idea of when I get enough a day.
MegG recently posted..Why “fast” is relative
Funny, my husband and I both love water so much that I guess it has rubbed off on the kids. Although they are young, they all go to bed with a sippy cup of water. The only bad thing is they can’t go to bed without it!
Good article, I care about drinking enough water since a couple of months and it really increases general health. A little personal tip: I use big glasses for lunch and dinner, because it’s easier to drink 1x50cl than 2x25cl. It seems obvious but it’s very effective !
Sushi Chef recently posted..Sushi and Diet? Yes You Can !
Great tip…I will add that one to my list! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
LOVE this post! I still use my water bottle from the hospital when I had Emmie to help keep track of my water intake haha.
Madeline @ Food Fitness and Family recently posted..Fitness Friday
What a great idea! I guess when it gets old that means it’s time for baby #2!! Ha Ha 😉
This is a great post – I just learned from another RD I’m currently shadowing in my internship that it’s ok to count caffeinated coffee/tea up to 4 cups. Did you hear that too? Or should we just be safe and not count it?
Maria Tadic recently posted..It’s All About the Head Game
Thanks Maria! While I still prefer recommending straight water over caffeinated products, it looks like there is enough newer research to prove that the mild diuretic affect from coffee/tea isn’t enough to NOT count it. I really didn’t know this was the new guideline but I always go with the American Dietetic Association and I just looked that up to confirm. Like most nutrition topics, there are so many different opinions (get used to it! Haha) so I have included in my tip that coffee and tea count (even caffeinated) but to get at least half from plain water. Sounds like that is basically what the RD you are shadowing said. Thank you so much for your comment!!
I think drinking lots of water is very essential, I live in Singapore and we have hot weather over here, I’m drinking at least 2 liters of water everyday now and I would keep away from caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea because they can take water out of your system very quickly and still the caffine stays in your system for a long time. Caffeinated drinks can cause serious heart palpitations which happened to me once and I ended up in the hospital. Water is the best!
Kent Chen recently posted..Ready For A Forever Body Transformation?
I have such a hard time drinking enough water! It’s constantly something that I have to work on…however, I am getting better and trying to take it one day at a time! Great post with great tips and info! 🙂
Kelly @ Laughter, Strength, and Food recently posted..Healthy Living Survey
Thank you Kelly! At least you are aware and working on it! 🙂
Great post- such an important topic. It’s amazing how many ailments can be cured simply by drinking more water. Have a great weekend, Melanie!
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast recently posted..Mapping out the Spring Race Calendar
Thanks Laura! You too!
Is it possible to drink too much water? How much is likely to be too much?
Hi Rach, Unfortunately there is no upper limit number that I can provide you with since water intake varies from person to person based on body size, activity level, environmental conditions. If you drink too much water you can risk having hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood). When you have this condition you might experience headaches, confusion, nausea, bloating. So if you generally feel healthy I wouldn’t worry about it! However, if you have been experiencing excess thirst (which is different than normal) I would consult with your Doctor as it can be related to certain medical conditions. Hope this helps. Melanie
I really don’t drink NEARLY enough water during the day – at night I drink plenty (AKA: through herbal tea)… The problem is, is that water is slightly boring for me… And I would drink carbonated, but then I would just get BLOATED and that’s not fun, or sexy! LOL!!! Drinking regular water tends to bloat me too, so annoying! But when I am thirsty, nothing tastes better than an iced cold glass of H20!!
GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted..Worth The Brain Freeze
Thanks for the great post, Melanie! Water is so important – it definitely keeps me feeling fresh and energized throughout the day. I’m a drink-coffee-in-the-morning-and-then-water-the-rest-of-the-day kind of girl. Get a good kick to get going, but then switch to hydrating and refreshing. For me the most important factor in my water consumption is the flavor of the water. If it’s got that iron-y metallic taste then I slack off on intake – not good! I’ve found just having a water filtration system has made a huge different in my water drinking habits. My under-the-sink system from http://www.waterafilters.com is hidden but effective! Speaking of which, time to go fill up my empty glass!
Thanks so much for the advice about putting a slice of fruit in! I got myself addicted to sugar-free squash in the UK over the past few years but it doesn’t exist out in Spain, so I’ve been really struggling to persuade myself to drink enough water.
However, I put one slice of lemon in my bottle yesterday and it made a world of difference…..actually it’s still lingering in there now….
Thanks again, and please keep up with the nutrition posts 🙂
Ibbs x
Ibbs recently posted..Healthy Herby Tuna Wraps
I don’t mind plain water but every time I have citrus-infused water I remember how much I like it! I am glad you are liking the nutrition posts. Thanks so much for your comment.