I am so happy to finally be entering the second trimester. I am thankful that those yucky pregnancy symptoms don’t last throughout my whole pregnancy like for some poor women, but those first few months are definitely rough. I don’t plan on doing weekly updates here on the blog but thought I’d at least sum each trimester starting with the first!
Goodbye first trimester!!
Baby size:
~3 1/2 inches long and about the size of a lemon. This week’s big developments are that baby can grimace, frown, pee and possibly even suck his/her thumb.
Weight Gain:
I’m up 2 1/2 pounds which is less than I’ve gained at this point with all my other pregnancies. I think just having less time to myself provides me with less time to eat! Plus some of that has to be muscle loss since I haven’t worked out much.
I was sleeping wonderfully when I was taking the Unisom for nausea. Then the hubs left town for a few weeks and sleep was off and on. Now that he’s back I am catching up a bit. The only problem is it gets so light here so early in the summer so that makes me wake up much earlier than normal.
Oh it’s been pathetic. I have worked out once in the last two months! I usually have to take off a month or so of exercise at the beginning of my pregnancies but this is the longest I have taken off EVER! I think it’s probably because this is my first time being pregnant while having 3 kids to take care of which definitely affected me. I am finally feeling back to normal and ready to sweat….so yesterday was my first day back. I started with 10 minutes of running and then did a modified version of the Soldier of Steel workout. When I say modified I did one round as opposed to 3 or 4. Then I finished with 10 more minutes of a walk/jog. Sadly, my butt was kicked, however it felt great! I didn’t want to push it being the first workout back in 2 months but I am not going to lie, it wasn’t easy. It’s shocking that before I got pregnant I was running long distances, now I feel like I am starting over. Oh well, I don’t think it will take me long to get back into shape. I definitely feel ready and am excited to start my daily workouts again.
Ok first part of the pregnancy when I was nauseas, there were several times when I had to drive through McDonald’s to get a a sausage biscuit and hash brown. The grease literally made me feel better. So weird. Then I got into making them at home. Thankfully that craving is gone! Now I crave summer fruit like juicy peaches, plums and watermelon. I’d rather have a peach over a bowl of ice cream. Seriously addicted. Yesterday a new craving jumped out at me at the grocery store…cottage cheese! I don’t buy cottage cheese because I don’t really care for it. I mean it’s just ok, but I had to have it. Probably the salt craving.
My newest symptoms are headaches and rhinitis which basically feels like allergies- sneezy, stuffy nose, itchy eyes. It’s lovely.
You’re not going to like this, but we don’t find out the sex until the baby pops out. I feel like there aren’t many true surprises in life but this is one of them and it’s so motivating for me to get through labor to find out if I am having a son or daughter. For me it has been the most exciting and emotional moment I’ve experienced when they announce “it’s a …..”! Hardest part about not finding out is choosing names.
No clue. I usually don’t have them picked out until close to the end. I think it’s the procrastinator in me. If you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them! Sometimes searching through a baby book just doesn’t help!
This is hands down throughout the whole pregnancy, when people find out I don’t find out the sex of the baby until it’s birthday the majority will say “oh I could never do that, I am too much of a planner”. Seriously people? I am the one that has to plan. I have to plan on the possibility of having a boy or a girl! Haha. Can’t people just say “good for you”. Can you tell this makes me grouchy? Ha!
Looking forward to:
visiting family in Texas!
So that’s it friends. Hope you are all having a great week! Next time you hear from me I’ll be in Texas!
Question: Do you have any baby names for me? Would you find out the sex of your baby?

That is seriously the cutest bump EVER!!!
If I were to ever get pregnant, I am not going to lie, I would be scared of my cravings. I can already throw down like 6 pounds of chicken in one sitting…… baby would want another 4! LOL!
GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted..Every Foodie’s Pin Up Girl
Thanks Gigi! Well the whole McDonald’s sausage biscuit run is so embarrassing, but I knew it was a very temporary craving. Whew, glad that one didn’t stick!
You look great Melanie! Love the baby bump. And I’m so glad you’re waiting to find out the sex. I was so happy we waited with #3, Gabriella! Enjoy your trip home and I’ll catch up with you soon! Until then, enjoy your 4th of July. Xoxo
Thanks Amy, you too! Hope you guys get to do something fun for the 4th!
You look adorable!
Thanks Bree! 🙂
I think that it’s really neat that you wait to find out the gender of the baby! I think that the anticipation of finding out is one of the best parts! Have a safe trip to Texas!
I think it is! Thanks Tempie- hoping that it will stay in the 90s versus the 100s during our visit. I am so not used to the heat, but it will be fun!
I never wanted to know the sex of my baby. I’m with you; there are few surprises left in this life. I was totally thrilled on THE day to find out that I had a boy. (Surprisingly, though, everyone was convinced from the moment I found out I was pregnant that we were having a boy.)
You look amazing! So cute!
Kierston @candyfit recently posted..Part II ~ Spartan Super: Getting Down and Dirty!
Thanks so much Kierston! 🙂
CUTEST bump ever! I’m one of those who had to find out the sex of my babies. I’m not a fan of surprises at all. For those that don’t find out I’m in awe!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..Backyard Bootcamp
Thanks sweetie. I think if I were having twins I’d have to reconsider. lol! You need quite a bit of stuff for 2 babies!!
You look adorable, Melanie!! I love your hair up like that. And good for you on the gender thing! Seriously, that’s exciting! 🙂
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast recently posted..Let’s meet for coffee
Thank you Laura! 😉