My mother-in-law is visiting from Texas so I will be a little busier than usual. Since she is in town for 10 days we jumped at the chance to take her up on her baby sitting offer and go out to dinner for Valentine’s day. I think it’s been over 6 years since we went out to dinner on Valentine’s Day, basically since we started having kids. I typically cook a really nice meal for us after the kids go to bed, but this was such a treat to go out. We went to a little Italian restaurant close to downtown Olympia. It was fabulous!
The misto frito was amazing (fried calamari, salmon, clams, oysters and shrimp), the simple fennel mixed green salad was perfect but the highlight was the winter vegetable lasagna full of chard, butternut squash, yams and other greens. Soooooo good! Not too mention they served Washington and Oregon wines in addition to Italian (not a fan of Italian wines) so I was a happy girl. I even wore some heels! Felt so good to have a kid-free dinner.
I saw this Healthy Living Survey on several other bloggers sites and thought it would be a fun post to end the week. It’s just meant to be for fun or to get to know each other better. Feel free to answer along in the comments or link to your survey if you have one up on your blog! Oh and before I say goodbye don’t forget to enter my FitnessGlo giveaway!
1. What did you eat for breakfast?
Oatmeal with dried cranberries and a spoon of almond butter mixed in. It was delicious!!
2. How much water do you drink each day?
A lot! I don’t count, but I love water. I don’t go anywhere without this guy, my Kleen Kanteen. It’s my baby. Although it’s quite beat up from all the use I get out of it. I even drink water in the middle of the night.
3. What is your current favorite workout?
Totally enjoying getting back into my long runs. I haven’t trained for a race in years and it feels great. Last two weeks I did 8 miles, tomorrow I am planning 9 (I think..gotta check the schedule).The 1/2 marathon I did when we lived in Hawaii was the last one I did about 2 1/2 year ago!
4. How many calories do you eat each day?
No clue. I certainly don’t have time to count! I don’t think calorie counting is necessary however I have seen it work for some people who are trying to lose weight. What ever the case, I have trained myself to eat when I am hungry and try to stop there!
5. What are you favorite healthy snacks?
Hummus, fruit (with grapefruit being the current obsession), raw almonds with dried blueberries or cranberries.
6. What do you usually eat for lunch?
When I am lucky it’s leftovers, but if not I usually throw together a peanut or almond butter sandwich, a veggie burger or a quick slaw salad, fruit and some sort of crunchy thing like pita chips. I eat in between feeding the kids and cleaning up after them. It’s not the most relaxing part of my day.
7. What is your favorite body part to train?
Arms/shoulders. Love seeing defined arms and shoulders and feeling like I am strong!
8. What is your least favorite body part to train?
My glutes. I don’t know why. I could use a more muscular heiny. 😉
9. What are your “bad” food cravings?
Oh goodness where to begin…..candy, chocolate, ice cream….chips, wings, hot dogs, french fries, chips and queso….cheesy enchiladas, fried chicken… Haha. Ok I don’t actually have these cravings all that often. I’d say I crave sweets the most. Good thing I have willpower!
10. Do you take vitamins or supplements?
Not at the moment. I’ll start up again soon. I have been taking vitamins for the last 6 years since I have either been pregnant or breastfeeding and I just stopped because I ran out. I think I’ll live.
11. How often do you eat out?
At the most, once a week- usually it’s Friday night pizza at our favorite pizzeria!
12. Do you eat fast food?
Not really. Now if there were a Chick-fil-A in Washington then the answer would be yes. I let the kids get a happy meal from McDs once every few months and when that happens I usually order some fries or steal theirs.
13. Who is your biggest supporter?
My parents and my sweet darling husband of almost 9 years!
14. Do you have a gym membership?
Kind of. Being in the military we have access to all the gyms on post. There are probably 5 that I can go to at no cost. I also have access to these awesome workouts from FitnessGlo!
15. How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
7-8 hours with one interruption from my 15 month old who is still nursing early in the morning. I wish it were more. I LOVE to sleep!
16. Do you have a “cheat” day?
No I don’t believe in cheat days. I eat what I want when I want. With that being said, I think I make pretty good choices and just give into my cravings when they are really strong. All things in moderation!
17. Do you drink alcohol?
Yes. I love wine (chardonnays and cabernets are my favorites), love a good craft beer, love margaritas. Like I said before, all things in moderation!
18. Do you have a workout buddy?
Nope. When we lived in Missouri (that would be Fort Leonard Wood where the Bachelor is visiting on Monday- sorry had to throw that RANDOMNESS out there!) I used to workout with a group of neighbors once or twice a week but I still don’t know many people here yet. Plus I usually do my workouts from home first thing in the morning.
19. What is the best thing that has changed about your life since committing to a healthy lifestyle?
I have been living a healthy lifestyle since I can remember (ok I lied- maybe not in college). That is why I became a Registered Dietitian. My healthy lifestyle gives me energy and just puts me in a good mood! Plus I know it’s good for me and that is a huge motivator!
20. What is the last healthy thing you did?
Ran 4 miles 🙂
That’s all I got folks, don’t forget to enter the giveaway for your chance to win a 3 month subscription to FitnessGlo! Have an awesome weekend everyone!
Question: Have you done this Healthy Living Survey? If so, feel free to link to it in the comments!

I love getting to know bloggers more through these fun surveys. FYI – super jealous of your kid free V-day! We haven’t been out in years either. And love the heels!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..WOD at Home 2
amen to no cheat days!!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean recently posted..Fitness Friday 45
One of my favorite things to see is “healthy people/professionals” showing how they’re healthy and what they eat. So many people ask me that and they think just b/c I’m going to be an RD that I eat healthy food ALL the time and go to the gym everyday…no. Ha. It’s good to get some realistic expectations out there!
Maria Tadic recently posted..10 Reliable Nutrition Resources
What a fun survey! I’m goign to have to steal it for my blog. Will link up to yours too. 🙂
And YES to lunch time being a not enjoyable meal of the day. It’s so stressful trying to grab bites in between doing a million other things. I usually make a salda because then I don’t have to worry about food getting cold.
Tina @ Best Body Fitness recently posted..Random Rambles
I participated in the survey