Oh boy how is it Sunday already? It always shocks me how quickly the weeks fly by. It was a pretty quiet weekend for us. The excitement for me was that I joined a neighborhood running group! It’s called Wear Blue to Remember and was created to build a running community that honors the service and sacrifice of our military. There are two chapters in the US and one happens to be in our neighborhood!
We have only been in Washington for about 8 months and had seen what looked like organized runs over the weekends (chalk marked paths throughout the neighborhood, water stations, a lot of people wearing blue). We never figured out what it was until someone from my son’s school mentioned it was a running group. I am so glad I joined. They meet at a neighborhood park, so close that I can walk there, every Saturday. There were probably 75+ people present and after circle time, where we honor the fallen by calling out their names and remembering those serviceman and women we’ve lost in war, we head off on a planned run. The choices this week were a 3, 6 or 10 mile run. I went with the 6 miles and even though I am not a fan of running in the cold, managed the run in 30 degree temps. I know, I know. It could be a lot colder but it still took me 2 miles to warm up. Did I mention how much I hate running in the cold? Shudder.
What was so special about this group is that they really put the focus on the fallen heros of our country’s military and their families. Someone runs with the American flag the entire way and along the run are volunteers who pass out water and organize the memorial of those we are running for. For the fallen, for the fighting, for the families. Yes, I was almost in tears before the run even started.
I am hoping this community will be the perfect way for me to get in a weekly long run . Although I trained completely by myself for my other two marathons, this year I need the motivation when running longer distances. It must be the fact that it’s the first year I will be running races since I’ve had three kids. I’m one tired mama!
Ok so moving onto this recipe. One pot dishes are the best- a little veg, meat, beans all thrown into one pot. You can make it ahead of time so dinner is ready when you want it. Just add a side salad and your meal is complete. This is especially great with some crusty bread for dipping. I really love the combo or rosemary and white beans. Yum.
- 2 Tablespoons olive oil
- 1 carrot, diced
- 1 celery stalk, diced
- ½ onion, diced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- ½ cup dry white wine
- 1¼ cup low sodium chicken broth
- ¼ cup water
- 1 spring fresh rosemary
- ½ teaspoon Herbs de Provence (or combo of basil, fennel,
- 2 lbs chicken legs (~6 legs)
- 1 lb Italian sausage, cut into 2 inch pieces (I used a chicken/pork blend)
- 2 cans cannelini beans, rinsed and drained
- salt & black pepper to taste
- Heat 1 Tablespoon olive oil in a large pot on medium-high heat, add sausage and cook until browned all over, 5-7 minutes. Remove sausage to a plate, season chicken legs with pepper, add to pot and brown for 2-3 minutes on all sides, Transfer to plate with sausage.
- Add additional tablespoon of olive oil and add carrots, celery, onions and garlic. Cook for ~4 minutes or until starting to soften. Add ½ cup wine and scrap brown bits off bottom of pan using a wooden spoon. Turn heat down to simmer and reduce until reduced by half.
- Add chicken broth, water and bring to a boil. Add chicken and sausage back to pot, along with fresh rosemary, cover and cook for 25 minutes. Remove lid, add beans and herbs de provence and continue to simmer, covered, for 20 more minutes.
Recipe adapted from Simply Delicious The Costco Way magazine
To those of you new to my blog, I started weekly meal planning over 1 1/2 years ago (I can NOT believe it’s been that long). You can read my very first post here. It’s definitely part of my routine and although some weeks are more creative than others, I usually jot down some idea of what I’ll be cooking. If I don’t do this, going to the grocery store is a disaster. I end up with a cart full of food and end up spending too much money. I also feel unorganized and more stressed when I have to figure it out last minute. You can always start off slow by meal planning just a few days out of the week. No judging here. Just leave your plan in the comments and pick up ideas from each other!
I have got to get back to being strict with my budget meal planning. I am still “trying” to pay attention but already spent my max grocery money for Jan. Boo.
I am going to utilize the pantry and freezer and hope I won’t have to go back to the store. Scratch that. I forgot we are already low on fruits and veggies so I will probably spend an additional $25.
Grilled Fish, Steamed Broccoli, Roasted Veggies, Orzo
Lamb/Turkey Burgers over Greek Salad
Tuscan Kale, White Bean Soup
Scrambled Eggs, Thin Bagels with Cream Cheese, Grapefruit
Mexican restaurant (we are going to take a break from pizza Friday to try a new restaurant)
To all my awesome DietBet participants, a great way to stay on track with your healthy eating is to meal plan! Take a few minutes to plan and share what you plan on eating.
Questions: Have you ever joined a running group? Did you do anything special for the long weekend? What are planning to cook this week?

Monday- making crock pot of cuban black beans. I will serve it with quinoa, avocado & lime juice with steamed green veggies on the side
Tuesday- making a big pot of tortilla soup
Wednesday- your black bean burgers with homemade sweet potato fries and roasted okra
Tursday- leftover tortilla soup
Friday- pizza and salad
For lunches this week- kale salad with a maple mustard dressing ( from forks over knives cookbook)
– creamy avocado and white beans wraps
Breakfast- I made a new muffin recipe that uses quinoa & spelt flour (also from forks over knives cookbook- my kids LOVE them), i will serve these with smoothies
It all sounds delicious! Is the muffin recipe eggless? I need to start looking for some good ones for Roman due to his allergy.
Have you tried substituting a flax egg in your normal recipes, 1T milled flax mixed with 3T water= 1egg. So far I have had sucess with them.
Never had a need to bake without eggs. I have a vegan pancake recipe on the blog but it just omits egg altogether. Will try this- thanks!!
The Tuscan kale and white bean soup sounds great. Here are our plans for the week.
Sun- corn and black bean salad with bread and chicken for those who want meat ( my parents are still here so meat is increased in the menu)
Mon- roasted veggie and quinoa salad with fresh fruit ( for us and the smiths)
Tues-making homemade pasta with my mom and four year old, with tomato sauce, meatballs, and roasted veggies of some sort
Wed- baked potato soup
Thurs-pad Thai and potstickers
Fri- homemade pizza
Sat- leftovers or paninis
Ooh homemade pasta! How fun. I have always wanted to try that. I’d love to hear how it goes!
Hubs is traveling, so easy meals all week. I did a running group for long Saturday runs before my half marathon and LOVED it! Met a precious friend that way and looked so forward to those long runs because someone else had taken care of where to go and water stops, etc…
Sun- Reid is cooking an outdoor meal for us for Cub Scouts. He is making sausage, fruit salad, and grape tomatoes. I figured since the meat is being cooked outside it doesn’t break my “no meat in the home” thing!
Mon- Gretchen’s yummy quinoa and roasted veggie salad
Tues- leftover butternut squash risotto with walnuts
Wed- Grilled cheese, fruit
Thurs- quesadillas, fruit
Fri- I have plans out for me! Yay!
Brittany Smith recently posted..Cooking Class THIS week!
Yes, I am totally excited about it and hoping to meet people (but even if I don’t it will be nice to get through those long runs in company). How did Reid’s meal turn out? That is probably what my son would have planned…he loves sausage.
Yea, about that running group piece, I got into a pretty funny argument with the director of the local running group because I called them out for not having any group runs only intermittent races. It was pretty bad and I hope to make amends at the race coming up in Feb.
I came up to Phoenix for my Fiance and I’s first premarital counseling session, we’re going to be meeting with the pastor once a month because I am stationed three hours south and can only drive up once a month.
I will probably be cooking the same thing as usual, oatmeal and popcorn. Those are my two favorites thus far.
alexbridgeforth recently posted..Your Definition of a Running Club? {WEEKEND THOUGHTS}
well hopefully you will get that resolved, but I will have to agree with you…what’s the point of a running group with no group runs?
Popcorn & oatmeal 🙂 at least you are getting some whole grains in! Thanks for the comment.
What an awesome running group! Sounds like fun!
BTW – I made your Southwestern Egg Rolls last night – delicious!! Thanks!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..Indoor Bike Trainer Workout
Oh great! Glad you liked them. They are one of my favorites. 🙂
We are on a Nutritious Eats kick over here…. had your tomato soup last night (love how easy this one is) and going to try out your braised chicken recipe tonight, perfect for these cold northern nights!
Melanie, you’ve inspired me to get organized (and hopefully my meal planning and regular exercising will follow suit) – my Erin Condren Life Planner is en route to my house – so excited to see it and start using it
Speaking of inspiration, I liked hearing about your running group
Oh Shan it’s so good to hear from you. Talk about inspiration, I don’t think I was cooking much when I had a new baby in the house! Hope you like the planner as much as I do. It’s simple but soooo pretty. 🙂
You will be back to the workouts in no time. Hope you are well! XOXO
I’m on a healthy week this week as my Christmas fat is taking a while to burn all off 🙁
Honey Mustard Pork Wraps
Skinny Shrimp Curry
Seafood Spaghetti
Spinach & Musroom Mini Quiches
Spicy Lemon Chicken Wraps
Prawn & Avocado Boost
Exercise wise I am getting back into running, I got lazy over Christmas, so tomorrow morning I’ll be back to a normal 5 miler!
Thanks for the inspiration as ever 🙂
Ibbs x x
Ibbs recently posted..Cookie Dough Truffles
Your week sounds delicious! I slacked off on my running during the Holidays too; feels good to be back at it! Have a great week and thanks for sharing your plan! 🙂
UMMMMMMM YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM thanks for sharing! Looks amazing
tera norberg recently posted..Just Dance DISNEY PARTY for Wii