If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you I was going to Houston for the weekend to visit my sister-in-law and her family. It’s only a 3 1/2 hour drive which is awesome. We really look forward to all our weekend getaways because there is not much to do in this new small town we live in.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that summer is overrated. Four kids at home…all of which I have to drag around on every errand….yeah not so fun. I really think if you don’t have vacation planned, it’s too long of a break (unless of course you are a teacher and it’s time off work!). But it is nice not having to be anywhere.
I’d tell you that since I am blogging a little less this summer, I am instagramming more. Are you following me on there? If not please do- I am @nutritiouseats! I’d tell you I needed a break from packing one day so I took the kids to the Dollar Store and for a Sonic Cherry Limeaid for our outing. Now that’s small town living.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you that these next couple of years I’d like to put more time into work. Blog more, starting working with clients again. There won’t be as many distractions here because of the simplicity of small town living, so I think it’s a great time to focus on my work. Fingers crossed with the 2 little ones still at home, I can find a way to make it all work.
I would also tell you about our wonderful new house and neighborhood. How the kids stay out for hours with all of the neighbor kids similar in age. They ride their bikes, jump on trampolines, fish in the pond. They are having the summer of their lives and I couldn’t be happier for them.
and I show you these pictures of me doing yoga in our backyard….I just love that it backs up to the wilderness. I did a short yoga challenge on Instagram which is great for me to remember to fit in some time to practice.
And if we were having coffee, I’d tell you if you are going through changes in your life, try to embrace them. What ever path you are on, whether you planned it or not, let go of the resistance. It makes it much easier to get to used to change when we accept it. I am eager to get the rest of our stuff organized and start living the next couple years here in Louisiana. Anyone want to visit??
And of course if we were having coffee, I’d give you a big hug and say let’s do it again soon.
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Post inspired by Food Pleasure and Health and many other bloggers who have participated

What a perfect post. I actually read this while sipping my morning coffee, kids playing peacefully in the background. Sending a hug right back to you.
Aww, hope you guys are enjoying the summer! 🙂 We need an Austin playgroup reunion!
I am glad to see you getting settled. I am not looking forward to moving next summer. Starting over is great but also challenging. Love this post! It’s a great idea.
Betsy recently posted..{Recipe} Try Pico de Gallo With This Secret Ingredient
Yes, you get it. There is good and bad. Will you find out soon where you are headed? I know you will soak up every moment of where you are….what an experience!
I just finished having coffee with you via this blog. It is very true that summers are too long for us parents but never long enough for the kids. Tomorrow for Family Fun night we will be having dinner out on the patio, a corn hole tournament and we’ll finish the night off with a wicked lip-sync battle. On Sunday, (after coffee of course) we’ll hike through the Carbonado River. I share all of this with you because had I not embraced and welcomed the change in my life, I’d be missing out on creating these fun memories with my not so little girls.
I miss my little family and would love to visit and help you organize. Hugs!!
Thanks for the coffee date, let’s do it again!
Hi friend! I was thinking about you yesterday! What I would do to transport you here to help me get organized. Hope you are settling into your new home and all doing well. I could use some of that WA weather right about now. XO Stay in touch!
What a great virtual coffee date! I love your blog, and this was such a nice conversation. 🙂 Your comment about embracing change really resonated with me. I am moving soon due to unfortunate circumstances which have been quite difficult. It’s amazing how a few simple words from someone I’ve never met in person but really enjoy online can make be so uplifting. Thanks for the warm company and encouraging words!
Aww, thanks Cindy. Your comment literally brought tears to my eyes! I wasn’t happy to be moving either and didn’t love what I saw when I first got here, but I am definitely seeing more and more benefits everyday. We can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to it. Wishing the best for you! Melanie
I have a virtual coffee date post going up tomorrow :). I love your backyard! I live in a city, so that’s one thing I don’t get to enjoy. One day!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted..Fit & Fashionable Friday: Fabletics July Collection
Thanks Nicole! I do appreciate all the trees and large yard for the kids to play. Have a great weekend!
wow I love the idea of a virtual coffee date..love hearing what other bloggers are up to! I’ll have to go follow you on insta, since I love my food porn 🙂 Mines @freshfitnhealthy!
sarah grace recently posted..Most Filling Bowl Of Oats {aka, Zoats!}
Yes please do! I’ll follow you back. 🙂
So happy you’re loving the new place!
Yay yoga selfies 😉 The best!
I’d give you a big hug back and say the changes I’m dealing with right now are scary, but I’m trying to take every day one at a time now!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted..Friday Finisher 7/31/15
Thank you dear. Wishing you the best during this challenging time.
I totally hear you! We moved across the country last summer to a smallish town, which was a big change, but there is something wonderful about slowing down. I know my kids love it!
Kalee @ The Crowded Table recently posted..Carne Asada Tostadas
hahaha, I feel ya on the small-town living; the population here is roughly 3k! 😛 That’s awesome that you get to do yoga right in your own backyard! 😀 The pictures are gorgeous!
Farrah recently posted..Ultimate Coffee Date: August 2015
summer is just too long. Unless I was a kid. haha! But youre in houston?? that’s so close to me! <3
Big hug right back to you, sweet Melanie! Love the yoga pictures 🙂 xoxo
Coffee is almost bigger than life! well maybe not but it is very close 🙂 Love your post
Matt recently posted..Review Of The Best Single Cup Coffee Makers?
Morning coffee is really very essential for us. Coffee is like medicine. after getting this, I forgot my stress and tiredness. It is really very good for me. Thanks for the article.
This is my first time on a virtual coffee date. Thanks for coming up with something like this. If we were having coffee, I’d tell you how much I appreciate having you around and listening to your thoughts and dreams! Thanks Melanie, until our next virtual coffee date!