Wow, I can’t believe I am over due for my second trimester report! Not wanting to turn this into a pregnancy blog, I haven’t posted a whole lot about the pregnancy, HERE you can find my last update that recapped my first trimester.
Somehow I am already a few weeks into my third trimester which started at 28 weeks so it’s time to recap the 2nd trimester- time truly moves at high-speed when you have other kids to attend to. I remember with my first pregnancy I would read every night about what was going on with my body and although savoring the experience thought it went by so slowly. I couldn’t wait to experience birth for the first time. Now, there is hardly time to think about it, but it’s still magical as always.
To make it even more fun, I am watching “Call the Midwife” on Netflix so I catch a couple shows a week. I’ll be all caught up soon but it’s been fun watching all these babies being born. It’s a great show!
Ok so on to the update, not particularly exciting but I’ve got to document it somewhere!
Baby size:
~15 1.2 inches long, weighing ~3 lbs and about the size of a small cabbage. The baby’s eyesight continues to develop and he/she is starting to plump out and accumulate fat under it’s skin. Baby is moving a lot at this stage.
Weight Gain:
I have gained 24 pounds total which is more than I’d like at this point but here is the interesting thing: I have recorded my weight gain for all four pregnancies week by week and I’ve gained the EXACT SAME amount (give or take 1 pound) for each pregnancy per week, with my total weight gain for the previous three being between 32 and 35 pounds (the upper end of the suggested weight gain). I have come to the conclusion that my body is consistent and it wants to gain that much weight because it doesn’t matter if I eat as healthy as possible or pig out on what ever I want (trust me, I’ve done both) it all results in the exact same weight gain. Interesting huh? I suppose it’s just the way my body likes to grow babies! The crazy thing is per my last appointment at 28 weeks my Doctor said I was measuring small. She wasn’t concerned but I was pretty shocked. My baby bump looks pretty big to me (make sure to scroll down all the way to the last picture to see where I am now. I dare you to disagree!).
I was able to get off the Unisom after the first trimester. Sleep is pretty good these days, problem is actually shutting things down and getting to bed. The past few months I have been going to bed at 11:30ish, which is much later than my typical. I just can’t finish up chores (cleaning up after dinner, making lunches, blogging, showering) until that time. Good thing is I am actually sleeping well once I get in bed and get up twice to pee. I know you were curious.
Well from my last update up until about 26 weeks I was doing great- still jogging (max 3 miles), doing weights. At about 27 weeks my pelvic joints started to become so sore that at times I could hardly walk. It seemed to get even worse after a jog/walk on the treadmill or when it’s colder outside. I spoke with my Doctor who informed me of what I had thought all along, the hormones relaxin cause your joints to spread in preparation for delivery and that since this is my fourth pregnancy, my body might be releasing more of the hormone. She offered to refer me to a physical therapist but I feel like with the minimal time remaining I am not sure fitting in physical therapy appointments would benefit me (or that I could even find the time to fit for the appointments!). Some days I am ok, others I can’t walk. I still go to the gym a couple times a week but usually I just stretch, sit on the bike or elliptical and take it slow. I am so looking forward for this pain to go away, probably not until after I deliver and getting back to running! More on the hormone relaxin under symptoms.
I am really not craving anything in particular these days. I mean I am obsessed with squash, pumpkin and sweet potatoes but I think it’s just that time of the year. One Sunday after church I HAD to have donuts so I took the kids to the store where we picked up some fresh ones, but that was months ago and since then haven’t had any strong desires….well except sushi of course. I am basically eating the same way I used to with the exception of my sweet-binge I told you about here.
The rhinitis has gotten better over the past 2 months so I’d say my only symptom is my darn achy pelvic joints due to the hormone relaxin (it basically feels like a pulled muscle). It relaxes smooth muscle, joints and ligaments, and promotes dilation of blood vessels in organs and tissues including the uterus, mammary glands and heart. It also softens and lengthens the cervix. During pregnancy relaxin is found in 10 times the normal concentration. The actual term is pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain (abbreviated PGP) which causes pain, instability and limitation of mobility and functioning in any of the three pelvic joints. It’s shocking how much it hurts at times. I think I could use some crutches.
Same as last update, we don’t find out until the baby pops out! The kids are certain it’s a girl, I’ve always thought girl too for some odd reason but only time will tell. Since my youngest is a boy, another little boy would be wonderful too.
We have been TERRIBLE. We don’t even have time to talk about it. I have limited time to chat with my hubby and there are always others things that come up first. We do have a girls name picked out that we are pretty certain we’ll use, no middle name yet and NO boys names. I am such a procrastinator, plus I am super picky about names. So so hard.
Gosh, nothing in particular. Just when I don’t get enough sleep I am super grumpy. Watch out kids!
Starting the third trimester….full update when it’s almost over!
I laugh that I am wearing workout clothes in 80% of these photos. For some reason I always thought of my weekly bump picture when I was at the gym or getting home. I do occasionally put on real clothes but I am all about comfort these days.
That’s it guys. Hope I didn’t bore you to pieces!
Questions: For those of you that have been pregnant, what were your worst pregnancy symptoms?

I think you look beautiful, but I agree that you don’t look small for 31 weeks. It certainly is all in the bump though.
Debbie @ Live from La Quinta recently posted..Weekly Reader: Wednesday Wisdom from the Web
Thank you Debbie- for not disagreeing with me! lol. It’s a little in the thighs too but that’s ok 😉
You look great Melanie! I love the pictures of you in that oval mirror. I was lucky in that both of my pregnancies were pretty easy and uncomplicated. The worst part probably was being pregnant during the summer in NYC when it’s so hot and humid and then having to commute on the subway. SO HOT. Symptoms-wise, I had the hardest time with just being exhausted all the time.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Plantar Fasciitis Cured
Oh yes, the heat. I have escaped that with the last two but the first two were born in Texas, with the third trimester being the summer months. Brutal!
I really did want to know about your nighttime peeing habits actually, LOL!!! 😉
And while I have never been WITH CHILD, I have definitely been pregnant and I have to say the worst SIDE EFFECT I have felt is, pain like someone is stabbing me with a samarai sword! LOL!
GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted..Lana Del Rey Misses Summertime Salads
I absolutely adore the silhouette pic of you! You are looking fantastic! My pregnancy was pretty uneventful other than being huge at the end. My feet/ankles swelled up so much. Thankfully it was flip flop weather. I don’t think I could’ve squeezed my piggies into anything else the last week!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..20 Life Lessons Running Has Taught Me
How could anyone not have swollen ankles carrying two! How many weeks did you make it with them?
GORGEOUS bump pictures! what a fun surprise you’ll have learning the gender when he/she is born!!
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted..appetizers for dinner
Thanks Linz! It’s truly the best surprise- can’t wait! Hope you’re feeling well!
Oh my goodness! Adorable!!!!! <3
Kierston @candyfit recently posted..Char Crust Dry-Rub Seasoning, Recipes and Giveaway!
Xoxo Kierston- thank you!
You are so freaking cute! I had REALLY bad PGP when I was pregnant with Em. The elliptical was all I could do. Hope you feel better soon!
Madeline @ Food Fitness and Family recently posted..WIAW
Thanks girl. Well I was so proud of my running this pregnancy which all went down the toilet. It’s hard to escape at least one bad symptom but the reward in the end is kind of worth it. 😉 Hope you are settling in and getting a little rest!
I have that striped blue dress! I wear it all the time. SO comfy!
Heathers Looking Glass recently posted..October 2013 Disney Trip Photos
It is the best and fits great too! I almost bought it in 2 colors but realized I had a short time to wear it (that pic was when we were visiting TX over the summer). Now it’s too cold here in WA.
Love the progression of pictures!! You look great!!
Thanks Lora! It’s fun to see the changes as without pictures you definitely don’t remember!
I had BAD Pelvic girdle pain too, by far my worst pregnancy symptom 🙁 I used crutches and was mostly bedridden the whole time (or in a hot-ish bath ha ha). A pillow between the legs helps during the night and if you don’t have one already I’d definitely invest in a maternity slide sheet (I have a Snoozle) to help roll in bed at night with less effort (and pain). I think you have a perfect looking bump <3 hope the rest of the pregnancy is relatively pain free.
Oh goodness, I was kind of joking about crutches but I could see how someone might need them. There are times I have to drag my leg behind me to get anywhere when I really wish I had a pair. I have never heard anyone else complain of this so I am glad I am not alone. I was starting to think there was something more wrong with me other than just the issue with relaxin. It’s definitely tough to get out of bed some days though and I am hoping it doesn’t get any worse! Thanks for sharing!
You look so, so beautiful! And I agree- the body really seems to do what it wants to do. I don’t know where those extra 25 pounds are- it’s all belly. Congrats on reaching the 3rd trimester!
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast recently posted..A bump in the road + wiaw