I am going to keep it short today as I share some of my favorite things at the moment. I plan on doing this once a month or so because cyber shopping/browsing is FUN!!
Favorite Snack
Kind Bars– these are so yummy. You know how I feel about trying to make as much food as possible from scratch, but guess what? It isn’t always possible! Haha. These bars are full of natural nuts and fruits. I usually grab one on the days where the kids have lots of activities. So satisfying!
Favorite Shoe
Nike Running Shoes, New Releases– I have to preface this by saying I have a history of wearing Adidas running shoes, but I recently got my first pair of Nike and have been running in them and love them too. I went to Nordstrom’s a few weeks ago and almost passed out when I saw all the beautiful bright new colors. I am in love with this lime green pair.
Favorite Everyday Jean
Old Navy’s Rockstar Super Skinny Jeans– I have 4 pairs of these (some in corduroy) and they are awesome. I love the purple color- perfect for Spring! It’s on my shopping list.
Favorite WorkoutClothes
Nike Running Capri Pants– my mom sent a pair of Nike capri pants and they are amazing- the fabric is just perfect. I went online to see if I could order more and then I found these. Oh. My. Goodness. I have to have them. I just need to know red or silver? Or pink? HELP!
Favorite Kitchen Accessory
Anthropology Owl Cookie Jar– Let me start by saying I don’t use cookie jars, but these are just too darling and if money were no object I’d buy all of them! I was a sorority girl at the University of Texas (go Chi Omega) and our mascot is an owl. I think that is why I will always have a thing for owls.
Favorite Water Bottle
Square Water Bottle from Uncommon Goods– this is a new item and was apparently the result of a 3 year collaboration between a group of former Apple engineers. It unscrews from both ends for the purpose of being able to clean it thoroughly and has a square profile so it won’t roll when dropped (which happens to mine ALL THE TIME). I love the idea of being able to clean it thoroughly especially if you want to use it for juices and smoothies too. It also has a fresh taste lid to prevent the water from getting that metallic taste. I want this!
Favorite Dishware
West Elm’s Potters Workshop Tableware– I need more dishes like I need more wine glasses (and if the lady who packed my kitchen up from Missouri is reading this she would fervently agree). I am in the process of trying to “accidentally” break our old dishes so I can buy new ones. Not kidding.
So I better stop cyber shopping or else I will be in trouble. It can’t hurt to have a wish list, right? Happy Friday friends. Have a great weekend!
Question: what’s on your favorite things list? What color Nike capris should I get? Red, pink or silver?

My wallet is not thanking you right now, but I am! So many things that I absolutely need right now – love the dishes!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..5 Yoga Poses for Post Run Bliss
A square water bottle! That sounds awesome. I love our standard issue military ones as they don’t roll and feel nicer to hold than round ones, but they also have a slightly weird after taste.
PINK capris is my vote, as they’ll enhance any tan
Happy FRIDAY x x
Ibbs @ LaLangostaYMi recently posted..Rainbow Salad
I love KIND bars, so yummy. I think you should get the pink capris.
Natalie recently posted..Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Expo
Oh my gosh, I love the dishes! Too bad I can’t afford to break all of mine right now.
As for the Nike pants: PINK! (That would be my color choice for ANYTHING.)
Jamie @ Rise.Run.Mom.Repeat. recently posted..Schwan’s Product Review
Lovin’ that dishwear! I’m all for colours 🙂
Kierston @candyfit recently posted..#RECIPEFRIDAY: No Carb Chicken Poppers!
I am officially LOVING those NIKE running pants now too!!! They’re super sexy! I am going to see if they have other colors! 🙂
GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted..The Bachelor: Here Come The Crazies!
Your wishlist just made mine grow, I’m sure my husband will not be too pleased with that lol. I am dying over those cookie jars! And those red pants! Get the red!
maria @ lift love life recently posted..Weekly Workouts
Got the red! I was leaning towards them but then when I went back the pink was sold out anyway so it made my decision a little easier! 😉 Aren’t the owls so cute? I just wish they weren’t so expensive!
I JUST bought those Nikes today as well as new running pants and there’s not a week that goes by that I don’t devour a few Kind bars. Great minds must think alike. Except for the fact that you will probably use your Nikes to run and I will only dream of running 😉
Bree {Skinny Mommy} recently posted..Sneak Veggies into Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!
Haha, I can’t believe you just bought them. They are beautiful! And running shoes, especially the ones they are making these days, look adorable with regular casual clothes too! Not just for running of course! 😉
I love Old Navy’s rockstar skinny jeans too–they’re the only jeans that I actually like to wear!
Danica @ It’s Progression recently posted..3.15 friday randomness
OMG those Nike capris are awesome!! I’m thinking red for sure. And I have to check out those Old Navy jeans too.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Friday Round-Up: Parenting, Healing and Bye-Bye Google Reader
Lots of great stuff on your list! Love those purple jeans–so fresh and springlike. Love me some Nike too.
ooh- I love those dishes!