Hi friends! Let’s talk about running. My mind is all over the place with how I feel about it. Some days running feels amazing, other days I dread it. Last year one of my resolutions was to run a half marathon. Three quarters of the way through the training I injured my foot and had to cancel the race, then I got pregnant. Running a half marathon in 2013 was a no go.
I already started planning the one I’d run in 2014 after I had the baby. Well that race is already coming up in May and I am not sure how I feel about it. There are days that I really want to meet my goal of running it in under 2 hours and there are days that I couldn’t care less.
I decided I should start by finding a 10 K to run just to get a feel for being back in race environment. It has been 3 years since I ran an organized race! So I signed up for a local St. Patty’s fun run. There were ~850 participants (more of who did the 5K) which I thought was a good turn out and a good chance to practice.
I wasn’t planning on “racing” it but just wanted to have a good solid run and at 6.2 miles that would be the longest distance I’d run post baby 2 1/2 months ago.
I set a goal to run it under an hour but didn’t intend on pushing myself any further than that. I just wanted to see what my natural time would be. Lining up for the race was pretty exciting. I got those pre-race jitters (for no reason really) and I loved the excitement of everyone around me….but then the race started. Literally when I got to first mile marker I started thinking “why am I doing this? Maybe I’ll just run the 5K portion and be done with it”. I mean, I was seriously lacking motivation!
Blame it on the damp, windy day, or the fact that I had a poor night sleep with baby E and my 2 year old who decided to wake up that night too. I just wasn’t feeling it. If I wasn’t feeling a 10K that started at 11am how am I going to run a half marathon that starts at 7:30am.
I’ve run 2 full marathons before (both San Diego rock n’ rolls), a couple half marathons (one in San Diego and one in Hawaii) and numerous 5 and 10Ks…..but now that my goal is approaching, I don’t want to do it! I mean I do want to, I just don’t. I know that makes no sense at all.
I know their are highs and lows with training and maybe it’s because I am so exhausted caring for 4 children 24/7 that I don’t have it in me. Mind you I am running 3-4 times a week so there isn’t an issue getting workouts under my belt it’s just the whole training thing- checking off those long runs and actually doing the race. I guess I am just doubting myself. Maybe it’s because I am just getting back in shape post baby and need more time to get in my grove. Perhaps I should just suck it up and keep training? Or is it the last thing I need right now?
Oh and my time was 55:45 on the 10K so I came I average 8:58 minute miles, certainly not great but I was happy just to make it under an hour.
The upcoming half marathons in my area are in May, June and September so I need to decide what to do!
Questions: Do you experience highs and lows of training? Should I do an early one to get it over with or a later one to get more training in? How do you stay motivated to train?

Great job on getting out there despite not really feeling it! I ran a half 4 1/2 months after my kids were born. It seemed like a great goal to have but I ended up hating training and running. It felt good to get out and do it but after the race, I took 2 months off of no running at all. I had put too much pressure on myself. I needed a reset button. Maybe running for fun is all you need right now. If you really do want to do a half this year, I’d say go for later in the year. Maybe by then you’ll be in a better place, you know? Good luck!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..High Five Friday
Thanks sweetie. I think I will wait at least until the summer race instead of May. I do feel like my body just wants more time. Kids are demanding and I just need to accept that I need more time to ease into the longer distances. 😉
As I get back into running mode, I can only expect highs and lows…but…it can’t all be smooth striding 🙂
Good luck..I’m sure whatever you decide will be right for you!
Kierston recently posted..Life Updates, Fun Stuff and #RECIPEFRIDAY!
Thanks Kierston. I’ll get there!
i stay motivated to train by finding people to train with… whether itz one buddy or a group, i love training with people!
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted..The Pregnant Lady Workout
That’s true, at least for the long runs. I did that when I started training last year (met a running group on Saturdays for the longer run) and it really helped! Now I just have to wait until the hubby gets back!
Girl that is AWESOME especially considering you have a newborn at home! If you’re anything like me (and I have a feeling you are 😉 ), I think you will be happier if you do it. The thing is, if you keep trucking, you still can decide you’re not up for it, but if you give up now, you won’t have any chance once the race comes around, and you may regret your decision. I know when I first started training again after coming back from my injury I expected to feel excited and WANT to run every single time, but then I….didn’t. At all. But by the end of training I was really grateful for keeping at it, and I’ve finally (months later) gotten back to my normal training plan loving self. I agree with Linz though–finding a buddy is so helpful! So basically, I think you should just move to Phoenix and run with me. 😉
Ari @ Ari’s Menu recently posted..Sweet Potato Black Bean Burgers with Cilantro Avocado Cream {The Recipe ReDux}
Lol, oh my gosh that would be so much fun! Run, eat, run, eat…I have a feeling that is what we’d do. You are so right, continuing training (the best I can) is probably the smartest decision….and if I miss a long run here or there than it will have to be ok. I think I decided on going with the one that is this summer rather than the one in May. I think my body just needs more time to ease into it. I also need to get back to my running group on Saturday mornings but will have to wait until the hubby is around. That was the easiest way to get those long runs done! Thanks for sharing your opinion Ari! XO