Hi friend, it’s been a quick start to the new year, hasn’t it? I took some time to think about what I want to focus on this year. Some people like to call them resolutions, some people like to call them intentions or goals.
Since all of those words mean the same thing, I use all of those terms! For me I actually like to write them down somewhere preferably in my planner and on the blog help and think about what I can do differently this year.
The first day back to school after the break, I woke up with what I thought was enough time to to do all the things I need to do. The morning actually went pretty smoothly until the inevitable five minutes before we needed to be in the car and then the issues arise. My oldest son is complaining that his socks feel weird and he needs to change them and my daughter can’t find her jacket and I forget my youngest kiddo’s backpack at home after we are down the street. So I get frustrated because now we’re running late on the first day back because they didn’t listen to me when I said it was time to get going (and when I say “late” I mean late in my eyes. I like to get my two oldest to school early so I can get #3 kiddo to his school on time). So I give them a nice long lecture in the car about how starting the day like this really frustrates me. And all I could think about during that drive was what I wanted to improve upon this year.
Soooooo long story short, I want to be more organized this year and feel less frantic all the time.
Hoping this blog post helps me so I can look back at my goals and check in from time to time.
2015 New Year’s Resolutions
Run more– i’m not going to set any weekly or monthly goals I am simply going to track my mileage and tried to increase it from month-to-month. I am not going to commit to any races yet, but I’d like to find some local ones.
Do More Yoga – I participated in an yoga Instagram challenge couple months ago and loved it; it made me crave yoga. My goal is to practice yoga 2-3 times a week. Practice will range from doing a full class to just practicing a certain pose.
Pack lunches at night– in the past I have packed lunches both at night and in the morning (typically I would prep them at night and then make the sandwiches in the morning and whatever else I forgot to do). But towards the end of the year I dreaded waking up and dealing with it so my older two agreed that their new year’s goal will be to help pack their own lunch and we will all do this together in the evening every night.
Plan at least two meals per week– I used to be an awesome meal planner and baby number number four simply added a lot more work in general than I hadn’t expected. Meals have not been as exciting as they used to be. I would like to get back to planning at least two meals and hoping for some leftovers.
Finish my blog update– remember when I updated the blog here? Well I still have work to do and want to get that done.
Work ahead of schedule– I am a last minute blogger, but I would be happy if I could get a few week’s worth the recipe done ahead of schedule.
Grow my Instagram account– I would love to double my following by the end of next year (yes that is a huge goal). And for me that requires more activity on Instagram. I’m going to set aside a little time each day (I’ve haven’t decided how much) and interact with others, “like” more and try to follow new people. Follow me if you are an Instagram user and aren’t already! Click HERE. Thanks!
Improve my photography– this is always a work in progress and I just want to continue to grow.
Eliminate paper– we have done paperless bills for years but somehow with all that stuff the kids bring home from school there are piles of paper ALL over my house. I’m going to do a better job at sorting through things as they come in instead of saving them for later.
Use my sewing machine- I haven’t used it since we lived in Hawaii almost 4 years ago. My goal its to get it out of it’s hiding place and just play around with it.
Listen to the daily bible readings on podcast– Reading the Bible daily is a big part of the Catholic faith and I have let this slide. In trying to imitate computer time I found that I can listen to the readings via Podcasts on my phone perfect for when I am getting ready in the morning.
Check email on a schedule– having an iPhone has caused me to be a chronic “email checker” which is terrible because I tend to do it when ever, not when I’m fully engaged. Sometimes even if I have two minutes before picking up the kids from school and I will check emails but the problem is it’s not a good time for me to address them in so they end up being left open. I am hoping that I will set aside a few blocks of time where I sit down to check email and actually have the time to address the emails coming in.
With all these intentions, I want to remember this quote. Sometimes life is just going to happen not according to my plan. And that’s okay too.
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Question: What are some of your resolutions/goals of the new year?

I’m still working on my blogging goals (I think #1 should be don’t procrastinate),but I have some things I want to do this year with my blog. And I’m with you on the yoga! I need to get in to a regular practice. I feel so much better, mentally and physically, when I do.
Debbie @ Live from La Quinta recently posted..Create Your Own Marathon Training Plan
Ok well I’ll check in with you re yoga 🙂 Are you going to do classes or at-home videos?
YES! my new 2015 plan is to work my ass off…then just let go.
carla recently posted..Gilmore Girls reinforced my mothering.
Sounds like a plan! 😉
I’m trying to get better about having a stash of posts ready to go up at any time. So far – I have one! I guess it’s a start. And the email/phone thing? My inbox is a mess! I read it but don’t have time to respond so I forget about it sometimes. Gah! Organization is a good goal for me too.
Angela @ happy fit mama recently posted..3 Treadmill Workouts for Speed and Strength
lol, it’s so hard! But we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves because I do think blogging should be about living in the moment and sharing that. But yeah, I’d be happy with a few posts! and I am totally going to turn on a show tonight and delete emails. I think we can do this Angela!
I’m already following you, so sadly, I can’t help again, but good luck! 😀 You have great goals! And…I also really need to check my email on a schedule. I also have an iPhone and end up checking emails a billion times a day. ._. I need to figure out some way to conveniently listen to podcasts while I’m on the road too! At least then I’ll be somewhat productive while driving long distances! 😮
My non-fitness 2015 goals are here: http://www.fairyburger.com/2015-goals :D!
Farrah recently posted..Exercise
That sounds like a plan. I don’t know why I haven’t gotten into podcasts before but it’s such a great idea!
Your mornings sound like mine! No matter how early I get up we always seem to be rushing out the door. And lateness in general since having kids has been a problem for me, hence my resolution for 2015! Good luck with your resolutions!
Jessica @ Nutritioulicious recently posted..Menu Plan Monday: Week of January 12, 2015
I have starting setting the oven timer for about 15 minutes before we have to leave and when it goes off I get them to put shoes on and grab bags. It seems to be helping! Good luck with your goals this year!
Eliminate paper! That is a good one! I’m pretty sure that accounts for most of the clutter ALL in my house!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted..Power Monday #66 Hey You!
I know! I have countless piles that I just don’t know what to do with. Some things I just can’t figure out where to file or if they can be thrown away so they just sit there instead! And then the kids draw approximately 8 million pictures a day so there’s that. 😉
I completely agree with you on trying to be less frantic. Last year a lot of that and it just became overwhelming. I also want to improve my yoga (more inversions) and run more again. I am all about making 2015 the year of happiness and following my dreams 🙂
Alanna recently posted..Gluten-Free Blueberry Bread
Yay, well we can run more and be upside more this year and check in with each other. 😉
Melanie, we are too much alike 🙂
Melanie, we are too much alike 🙂
I wrote more in my commen, and I’m not sure where it went!?
Melanie, we are too much alike 🙂
Haha, do you have similar goals? 🙂 Miss you girl!