Thank you to my blogging friend Angela who tagged me to play along with this fun blogging quiz, the alphabet edition. I was going to save this for a fun Friday post, but my past week has been hell. Hubs out of town, sick kids, not feeling well preggo mama. I needed a good excuse to write a blog post about nothing so here are my answers. Feel free to put this on your blog and tag away.
A. Attached or Single? Attached. I’ve been married to this man for 9 wonderful years. This is back when he was a Marine, now he’s in the Army, but it’s one of my favorite pics from when we lived in Hawaii.
B. Best Friend? I feel like I will hurt someone’s feeling if I choose one, so I won’t. My besties know who they are.
C. Cake or pie? That is a very tough question. It’s a tie. Ok, maybe cake wins by a hair. Only if it’s super moist and delicious and has a yummy frosting.
D. Day of choice? Fridays! The hubby usually gets off a little early, it’s my break from cooking and the start of the weekend!
E. Essential Item? Some form of chapstick of lip gloss- vasaline is my newest obsession on the lips. Bottom line is I need something!
F. Favorite color? I love all the shades of blue.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Worms, although either will do. They are both gummies and I love gummies!
H. Home town? San Antonio, Texas- go SPURS!
I. Favorite Indulgence? Homemade stuffed chocolate chip cookies and a cold glass of soy milk
J. January or July? July- summertime usually means some sort of vacation is lined up, the kids are home from school and everything is just more relaxed.
K. Kids? Three with one on the way. My oldest son is 6, my daughter 4 and youngest son is 19 months. The newest addition is due 1/12/14!
L. Life isn’t complete without? My cup of morning coffee (although I haven’t had any since I found out I was pregnant. It usually sounds bad until the second trimester than I am good to go again). Normally though I can’t start the day without it!
M. Marriage date? April 17, 2004
N. Number of brothers/sisters? 1 older brother in Texas. I miss seeing him on a regular basis. 🙁
O. Oranges or Apples? A good crisp apple usually hits the spot.
P. Phobias? Bugs and rodents- ick and ick.
Q. Quotes? I have a calendar that has a great quote on each month. Love this one.
R. Reasons to smile? An upcoming trip home! We are all excited to see our families and enjoy baking in the Texas heat. Bring on the Mexican food!
S. Season of choice? Tough one. I guess I’ll go with the fall. You can’t beat a light sweater and cup of coffee on the deck watching the leaves change colors. It’s is the most exciting time of year with the start of my kid’s birthdays and all the fun Holidays. Plus I love the first days that you notice that change in temperature and it just smells different outside. Lovely.
T. Tag 5 People. Lindsay, Madeline, Lindsay, Tina, Lindsay (I thought I’d tag a Lindsay every other one. That would be 3 different Lindsays!!)
U. Unknown fact about me? I love hospitals. While most people are uncomfortable in them, I have fond memories of working in one as Dietitian. Plus the only time I have been a patient in one is when I delivered my kids. Whenever I step foot in one I feel at ease.
(**NOTE: hours after I typed up this post I had to take my youngest to the ER for breathing treatments. One day he had a snotty nose and the next night he was coughing and unable to catch his breath. I am thankful it was my first visit ever to the ER but I had to laugh that it happened right after I wrote this. I had to take all 3 kids with me and we spent 4 hours in the afternoon there. Did I jinx myself or WHAT? P.S. It wasn’t a bad experience at all. I got lucky and my little boy is feeling better.
V. Vegetable? A fresh artichoke is hard to beat and I have one ready to be steamed. Mmmm.
W. Worst habit? Hmm, probably that it takes me forever to turn over laundry. I am really good about washing it, ok about folding it and absolutely terrible about actually putting it away. Ask my husband. Or the brown leather chair where the clean laundry lives.
X. Xray or Ultrasound? Ultrasounds of course! See previous post of my newest babe.
Y. Your favorite food? That is nearly an impossible to ask a foodie. I guess if I have to just chose ONE food it would have to be cheese. Whether it’s brie on a cracker, feta in a salad, a bowl of queso and chips or fresh mozzarella on a Caprese pizza, I love it all.
Z. Zodiac sign? Sagittarius. Sags “like action, adventure, being physical (are often athletic) and full of stamina. Outgoing, social, enthusiastic and tend to overstep their bounds as a result. Curious, spiritual and true believers”.
Signs are interesting. I’ve never read too much into them, but their kind of fun.
Ok now that you’ve read my answers, pick a question and tell me your answer!

So glad your little guy is doing ok! Very ironic that you wrote that! 🙂
Thanks for joining in! I’m the same way with lip balms – I have them stashed everywhere! Can’t go without!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..I Ran
Oh wow, we have so many things in common! Especially that cofee thing, it’s the first thing I have in the morning 🙂
The photo from Hawaii is perfect. You both look stunning.
Thanks for sharing that quote too, great Monday inspiration!
the Candid RD recently posted..Minty Blood Orange and Watermelon Salad
Miz recently posted..If we had coffee…
So glad that everyone is doing OK too! That is ironic. Loved reading and learning more about you! I love that quote and that picture of your all from Hawaii!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..How to Stay Motivated to Move
I’m with you on “Y” Your Favorite Food. Cheese makes everything better. My favorite types of cheeses are those that melt really well and get all gooey. Now I need to figure out how to eat some cheese this morning…
Sophie @ life’s philosophie recently posted..Strawberry Fields Forever
thanks for the tag! it’s on my list to do this!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean recently posted..Bean Bytes 42
Ooh, enjoy your trip home! I have a really hard time picking one favorite food, too!
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast recently posted..10 Favorite Strength Routines and Resources
Thanks for tagging me. I plan to do this fun on Thursday. 🙂
And I think I missed the baby news. CONGRATS!!!!
PS Where did you find the quote calendar? I would love something like that!
Tina @ Best Body Fitness recently posted..Move It Monday: Are You Stable?
haha there are a million lindsays, especially in the blogging world! 🙂 🙂 thanks for the tag – i’ll do mine on friday! 🙂
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted..Naked Power Garden Sweepstakes
Ooh! I’m really looking forward to completing this survey for my blog 🙂
Sheena recently posted..ViewSPORT Coupon Code!
I had to respond about my best friend, my husband. He has been my best friend since I was 15. We dated off and on through high school. At that young age we had not learned the dating games people sometimes play and we each got to know the real person VERY well (nothing sexual). We had many years apart in different regions of the country or even different counrties but every time we connected we picked up just where we left off. I have never had this connection with anyone else and sometimes it would be up to three or four years between times contacts. Many years past and we each had families. My husband had passed away from cancer complications and he was divorced. Then on Valentines Day over seven years ago, he sent a card “To The One Who Got Away”. I prayed about it, then called him. We began calling and emailing each other. By the time he came to visit me it we both knew it was meant to be. We were married two months after that and we have been married for nearly seven years now. We are very much the same people we were way back when we met so no surprises and I love being married to my best friend.
Ha, I have a laundry chair too. 🙂 Interesting post, and that’s a great pic of you two!
Tiff @ Love, Sweat, & Beers recently posted..Bucket Lists, Wish Lists, & Plans
I loved learning more about you! So fun!
Bree (Skinny Mommy) recently posted..Tortellini With Roasted Spring Peas & Bacon