This week I am looking on the bright side….
Part 1: When Training Doesn’t Go As Planned
I was going to run a half marathon last weekend. I found out about it not too long ago and didn’t mention it because I wanted to be certain I was ready. Two and a half weeks ago I worked myself up to 11 miles and felt great. I was happy with my pace and my endurance during long runs. I felt ready. Until right after that long run when my right foot started hurting. At first the pain was all over the bottom of my foot, then it remained around the ball of my foot. I rested for a few days then continued to do some light runs (3-5 miles) and during those runs it felt pretty normal but I didn’t want to push it. As soon as I stopped running I could feel the pain again. It hurt to walk, it hurt when I moved it. Not good.
I immediately knew I wouldn’t be running the half marathon Easter weekend. The pain came and went but mostly it hurt to walk. I finally went to see the Doctor and she is pretty certain I sprained one one of the ligaments in my foot but Xrays are pending to make sure there isn’t a tiny fracture. I am supposed to rest for 10-12 days and be on daily Ibuprofin/ice treatment. Boy it’s going to be a challenge to stop running for that long when I have been running so much.
I am still surprised that it even happened as I was so careful to increase my weekly mileage slowly. I think my shoes might have contributed to the injury. They were a new pair, a new brand for me and they were a half size bigger than my usual (although they didn’t feel too big). I know the wrong fitting shoe can play a huge role in injuries so that is one thing I plan on correcting once I start running again.
I was super bummed at first. Training had been going so well. Plus, I was worried it will hurt again when I do resume my long runs. Although I am still a little nervous that I will have to start over with my training, I have come to accept this injury as part of life and really it could be so much worse.
Part 2: When You Have to Deal With Unexpected Expenses
This week I also had to deal with a parking lot accident that I was in last week. Luckily it was just a fender bender and the estimated damage to my bumper isn’t too terrible so I am trying to see the bright side that even if I have to pay 50% it could be a lot worse. I am still waiting to see what my insurance will say.
Part 3: When You Aren’t As Productive As You Planned
We are ending spring break over here. You should see the list of things I intended on accomplishing. Recipe testing, spring cleaning, organizing, activities with the kids, etc. I thought I’d have all this extra time since we had no where to be but instead the kids and I have been doing nothing and tearing up the house doing so! It’s been fun and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Though these little life nuisances can bring you down, I am not going to let them.
How to Focus on the Bright Side
1. Put Things in Perspective
You can simply compare your life to others that have it worse than you (and there is always someone worse off). Have your health? A roof over your head? Food to put in your mouth? I’d say we have it pretty good.
2. Hang out with Positive People
Nothing can bring you down more than negative people. You know the ones- they complain about everything, they can’t find the bright side of anything, life always sucks. Yeah, don’t hang out with those people. Just like optimism is contagious, so is pessimism.
3. Make Lists of All the Positive Things in Your Life
Remind yourself of what is going well, be grateful. Did you accomplish a small task at home, did you do a good job at work, did your kids come home smiling today? There is always something positive going on…some people just have to search a little harder for it.
4. Accept Imperfection
The sooner you realize that not everything is going to be perfect in your life, a weight will be lifted. Everyone has different standards of what they think is perfect but I am pretty sure we all have some ideals to let go of and you know what? It makes for a much less stressful life.
5. Don’t Put Blame on Others
It makes you a stronger person to realize that someone else isn’t to blame for the problems in your life. Things happen, bad things happen, sometimes they are caused by others, sometimes they aren’t. Either way, it doesn’t make your problems go away when you put the blame on others.
6. Laugh
Nothing makes you feel better than a good laugh. Rent a funny movie, call your best friend to help you laugh at the situation…let those feel good endorphins flow!
The Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

These inspirational messages (in the form of care package) from The Universe Knows came at the perfect time this week to really lift my mood. There is so much to be thankful for. I have a healthy, happy family and there’s no point worrying about what I can’t change.
live in joy.
follow your heart.
believe in yourself.
cherish the journey.
I will be back with recipes next week. Have a great weekend friends (P.S. Don’t forget to enter my Bestowed Box giveaway).
Question: how do you deal with life stressors or injuries? Have you had anything bad happen to you lately?
Disclaimer: I received product from The Universe Knows via my partnership with FitFluential, but this post was not compensated. I really do have a injured foot and a damaged car and these inspirational quotes really did lift up my mood. They fit in perfectly with what I wanted to talk about.

Oh Melanie! I’m so sorry to hear about your foot! I can totally and completely relate as I appear to be injury-prone. It’s especially frustrating when you feel like you’ve been smart with your training and haven’t done anything crazy. I hope that a little more rest will clear it up and that it’s nothing major. And the car! These are great tips for keeping a positive mindset. I do try to remember to be grateful and accept imperfection. I will admit that those inspirational messages on the mugs do help.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Friday Round-Up: Presence and Discovery
Thank you dear. I didn’t even know you could sprain the bottom of your foot. Haha. We’ll have to keep each other positive. 😉 P.S. you’re up late!
What a bummer! I’m sorry you had to drop out of your race. Hopefully rest will take care of it and you’ll be back up and running again. I love little inspirational messages on things – especially that coffee cup! What a great reminder!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..5 by the 5th Virtual Race Recap – April
Thanks Angela. It’s feeling better slowly but surely. I sure plan to be running very soon!
So sorry to hear about your foot, I know how hard it is to get injured and stop running. Make sure you rest so you don;t do more damage. I was off from running for almost 5 months due to a stress fracture, partly because I didnt listen to my body. I had to drop out of my first marathon the NYC but it ended up cancelled anyway so I deferred to 2014.
On the Bright Side: I am back up and running and on my way to the Brooklyn Half!!!!
This too shall pass!!!
Toni recently posted..A Confession and Week 4 Brooklyn Half Training Recap featuring @Fitorbit
Thank you Toni! That is exactly why I stopped and got the xray because I was so worried I’d end up really hurting myself. I can’t believe you had to take off 5 months! What a bummer. Things could definitely be worse for me. So glad to hear you are up and running!
I like the idea of writing a list of the positive things in your life. That’s a good one. Also, laughing. Period. It’s the best medicine!
I’ve had a lot of things happen to me lately, and rather then dwell on them I just focus on the future and move along. Most of the time..that is 🙂
the Candid RD recently posted..Two Step, Six Ingredient Slow Cooker Pork Chops
Sorry to hear that Gina. Sometimes it makes me more nervous when I coast along with nothing bad happening! You know what I mean? It’s just a part of life but it’s getting easier to see the big picture as I get older.
sorry to hear about all the bad, but great tips for focusing on the good! xoxo
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean recently posted..Fitness Friday 49
Thanks Lindsay, sometimes you need the bad to remind yourself of the good! 😉
Sorry to hear 🙁
Great tips on focusing on the good 🙂 I breathe when stress comes my way. Sometimes I take an extra looooonnnnng breath too.
Kierston @candyfit recently posted..#RECIPEFRIDAY: Clean and Savoury Ultra Low Carb Chicken Pizza!
Thank you Kierston. I am sure I’ll be back to normal in no time. Have a great weekend!
Luckily I am a very positive person most of the time so when things don’t necessarily go the way I would like them to I have the ability to kick myself out of that funk and look at the big picture. It definitely helps to hang out with friends and forget about the issue for a few minutes though too 🙂
GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted..Chelsea Handler’s First Stand-Up Comedy Show
well said friend! and i agree, look to the bright side. We must always be realistic with our feelings, but i think focusing on what we do have and being around POSITIVE people are key!
Oh no! So sorry to hear about your injury… 🙁 And the extra expenses, ugh! You have a great perspective. And I love the serenity prayer! Hope you’re having a good weekend!
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast recently posted..Sugar Detox Recap
Mel- I’m so sorry to hear about your foot! What a great inspirational post about just rolling with life’s curve balls. Thank you
Melanie: I am so, so proud of you for being so positive all the time and keeping on with your goals. You are an inspiration to me even though I do not run. Keep up being the wonderful person you are! Even with your injury and the Boston events and the car mishap, you are able to pass on good thoughts to the rest of us.