Hey friends! I am busting out my slow cooker to bring you a super simple chicken recipe using store-bought salsa verde (salsa verde with avocado to be exact). The kids had their last day of school on Wednesday, ending with a packed schedule of field trips and other appointments. And we’ve been in full moving…
Acai Berry Smoothie Bowl
Have you noticed ALL the smoothie bowls around the net? They are hard to miss- so beautiful and colorful….they’re definitely eye-catching! Why don’t I have one on my blog? I started eating smoothie bowls when I lived in Hawaii about 5 years ago! There was this little place called Lanikai Juice, about a mile and a…
Double Chocolate Almond Muffins {Gluten-Free}
Disclosure: I was asked to participate in the “#CrunchOn ” campaign as a member of the Healthy Aperture Blogger Network. I was compensated for my time and also received free samples for recipe testing. If I had to name one of the staple foods in my diet it would be nuts. Without hesitation. Almonds in particular…
Cosmic Brownies {Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Option}
Helllllo friends. I realized something the other day. Something that saddens me. I hardly have any dessert recipes on the blog! I don’t know why because I am a dessert lover. See me and my dessert….I like the real thing. #sorryImnotsorry And it doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate making things a little healthier, I just don’t…
Kiddie Salad Bar
Hi friends! How was your weekend? I am officially swamped getting the house ready to be packed up, trying to get some blogging work accomplished so that I can take off a few weeks this summer and trying to find a new home (and schools) which is proving to be more difficult than I’d like! Eek!…
Artichoke, Mushroom and Onion Sauté
It’s recipe redux time and the theme is Spring Cleaning! “Go through your pantry, cupboards, freezer, or fridge; what ‘treasures’ have you found? Pick an ingredient/spice/condiment that’s been hanging out for a while and give it the attention it needs. Share a healthy recipe made using your new-found pantry prize.” Now is the perfect time…
Black Bean and Corn Salad {Vegan, Gluten Free}
I’m not very good about working ahead of schedule. I never have been. In college and grad school, I always did my best the day before an assignment was due. Not much has changed! But I have learned that having 4 kids alone can throw you some curves balls, so it’s probably a good idea…
Buffalo Chicken Quinoa Casserole
Friday thoughts….sometimes I feel like just giving up. Giving up the blog, giving up trying to work from home, giving up being a stay-at-home mom. Ooooh, I just read that back and realize it sounds serious and depressing, but don’t call for help because I don’t mean it like that. I just go through that…
No-Bake Apricot Coconut Energy Balls {Gluten Free, Vegan}
Hi friends. Goodness, what a crazy past week. It all started Wednesday in the middle of the night when my 3 year old woke me up with a case of the stomach bug. By Friday he was doing great and my husband and I settled in to watch our Homeland marathon Friday night (we’re currently…
Egg In A Spinach Nest with Sriracha
I finally had a date with my 2015 planner, long overdue…and as I was filling it in I realized we are already a quarter into the new year! With that discovery, I briefly flipped out, then did a quick overview of what my first 3 months of the year looked like. I thought it would…