Boy was the month of January a LONG one. Whether it was because it was the first month in a LONG time that we didn’t have a birthday or Holiday to celebrate…or mabye it was because I was eating vegan. Either way, it was long. So I thought I’d recap how my experience went and curious to hear from anyone that did it with me or just ate more vegetarian dishes overall.
I did lose 4 pounds in the month of January (*see additional info) while I was eating vegan. This was very exciting for me because I don’t lose weight very fast. I am now 6 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight and my little sweet boy just turned 3 months. Not bad. I can fit into a few more pre-pregnancy pants, but not all of them. I think it will take another month or so to get there. Nonetheless, I am happy to be making progress.
I am not too concerned about getting rid of those last 6 pounds right away, because as a nursing mama I know that my body hangs on to a few extra pounds as maternal fat stores. I am totally fine with that knowing that I am nourishing this little guy.
(* Weigh-in was done a couple days ago so it was a pre-Super Bowl weigh-in and if you knew how many donuts I had yesterday, you might go running as fast as possible away from Nutritious Eats, but I feel obliged to tell you I ate….A LOT and I don’t usually do that. Ok- I feel better now).
Back to vegan month, I really didn’t struggle as much as I thought I would giving up all animal products for 31 days. I cooked a lot of great vegetarian dishes- tofu stir fries, vegetarian chili, soups, etc. I didn’t bake at all. I mostly ate oatmeal of high fiber cereal with soy milk for breakfast (no big change there) and snacked on lots of fruits and vegetables. On pizza Fridays, I had no cheese pizza with extra sauce and lots of veggies- mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, black olives, tomatoes and jalapenos. I missed the cheese a little, but not too much.
There were a few instances where feta made it’s way onto my plate- one accidentally eating out and one by choice. I craved eggs, deli ham and baked chicken. Rib-eye steak also started sounding pretty good towards the end and I rarely eat beef (I mean maybe a few times a year?).
Because I am exclusively breastfeeding and I kicked up my exercise a lot this month, I just felt like I was missing something at the end of the day. Maybe it was calories…or maybe I was just missing the satisfaction from my regular protein sources. It could’ve also been the lack of treats or baked goods. What ever it was, on some days I felt like I didn’t eat enough and no amount of fruits and vegetables would fill the void. Interesting. I think that with time that I’d get used to the diet. Another interesting thing is that I did not feel any different than eating my regular diet. No change in energy, digestion, etc. Ok, well maybe a little more gassy! Ha!
A few things I learned- soy substitutes like soy cheese, soy yogurt, soy sausage, etc. are NOT my cup of tea. No thank you. I would rather go without all dairy and meat than try to incorporate the fake stuff. So all in all, it was a good month and although I welcome animal products back into my life, I know I will be eating more vegan dishes than meat dishes in our new “normal” routine. For that, the experiment with worth it.
How about you? Did you eat more vegan or vegetarian dishes this month? How did it go?

I completely agree with pretty much all soy. I use no soy substitutes. It is just gross! (I can’t even do veggie burgers or soy anything b/c it almost all full of gluten.)And for anyone wanting to go vegan for longer, the cravings go away completely after a little bit longer. It is rare that I even smell animal products and want them. (And this is coming from a hard core carnivore prior to this.) The only exception is cream in sauces and a really good queso. Oh my. How I miss queso!
Ironically, as I Was reading this post, you tweeted about mine!! haha, thank you!
Your son is adorable. We went to a Super Bowl party this weekend and got to meet a couple of newborns that our friends recently had (three, actually!!) and I got to hold them and it really brought out some motherly instincts 🙂
I’ve been creating more vegan/vegetarian recipes at home to prepare for a vegetarian store tour I’m doing this month. On friday I’m going to try a vegan cheese sauce on top of scrambled tofu, wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla. I can’t wait! I also tried a tofu mousse (really not too good for you, but SO DELICIOUS!!).
Thanks Gina. 🙂 I feel in love with scrambled tofu (kind of tex-mex flavors). I’d love to hear what you think of the cheese sauce and how you did it. Where do you work?