I have always been a small person, petite, yet muscular. I was into gymnastics, cheerleading and running growing up and I had a muscular build to show for it. I am not going to lie, I always admired the toothpick skinny girls, you know the model types? Not so much anymore.
As I started running more as an adult (i.e. races and marathon training) I discovered how powerful it felt to be physically fit. After having kids and overcoming the struggle of the weight changes that come along with pregnancy, I had a new respect for my body. I didn’t care if I was skinny. I wanted to be fit and strong- so that I could hold and carry my children until they were big, so that I could have the energy to keep up with them, so that I could be a positive role model to them.
I grew to love my muscular build and now I put much more emphasis on my actual physical capabilities and strength versus my body or the number on the scale. Now I feel pride when I can lift a heavy box or load stuff in and out of the car without my husband’s help.
So when we think of beauty we tend to think of one’s appearance or body…..but beauty doesn’t have to be on the surface. It can pleasurably elate the mind or spirit too.
Being strong is beautiful. Having drive is beautiful. Determination is beautiful.
Through my partnership with FitFluential LLC I have joined forces with hundreds of other ambassadors to be a part of the Under Armour What’s Beautiful Competition. It’s such a powerful movement that we are all so excited to be part of it. To see women motivate and support each other, as well as work together to meet similar goals, it’s just overwhelming and amazing!
What’s Beautiful is a competition and a community to redefine the female athlete. It’s a place to motivate each other to push further, go faster, endure longer and become stronger than we ever thought possible.
In other words, it’s a competition to get fit.
Here’s what you can do to join:
1. Sign up at the Under Amour What’s Beautiful website and set a goal. It can be anything you like- short term goal (ex: add 10 pounds to my deadlift) or long term (ex: train for a half-marathon).
2. Join my team, Team Summer Strong, and any other team that has a goal that matches yours (you can join more than one team!). My team’s goal is to exercise outside our comfort zone- try something new, run further, lift stronger. We will motivate each other and get in shape throughout the summer.
3. Post pictures, videos, challenges to your individual and team accounts. There are some awesome swag bags and the grand prize isn’t too shabby (read below).
4. Continue to strive to meet your goals as long as it takes. The contest officially ends Jun 21st but most of us are setting longer-term goals past that.
For me, it has nothing to do with prizes, it’s just about the support and motivation to help me reach my goals. I can always use the extra motivation to push myself harder than usual.
What are my goals? Well they are much different now than they were last month because I am still taking it easy until my foot is 100% better. So my short-term goal is to do strength (i.e. Crossfit exercises) two times a week. I’ve already noticed from all the running I was doing, I neglected my arms and lost some strength there. My long term goal is to run a sub 2:00 hr half marathon. Not sure when I will set this for as it depends again on the foot.
Still unsure about the competition?
Here’s some more info from the Under Armour What’s Beautiful site:
Declare a Goal, Then Show Us How It’s Done.
Together we’re redefining the female athlete by setting epic goals and pushing past where we’ve ever been and where we thought we could go. Join us. Set your own personal goal. Then document your journey by posting videos and photos that tell your story from start to victory.
We’ll continuously post challenges for you. But that’s just the beginning. Show us your journey. Show us what makes your story the one that stands out from the rest. If you meet your goal, set a new one. Make it even bigger. Prove to everyone, and yourself, that you have more than what it takes.
The Competition.
Every week we’ll give away Under Armour Swag Bags full of gear to women who are seriously getting it. We’ll also feature profiles on our home page and in the “Top Performers” section of women who are really setting an example for all of us.
After 8 weeks, we’ll announce the 10 finalists who’ve documented the most impressive, motivated, monumental stories.
Winners will be announced mid-July.
The Prize.
Three winners will be flown to Costa Rica to attend a four-day yoga and surf retreat. In addition to the lessons led by world-class instructors, winners will be treated to transformative massages, spa treatments and healthy, locally-sourced meals prepared by personal chefs. All while staying in plush accommodations looking out at the ocean. A retreat worthy of the women who earn it.
I set my first challenge on the team page yesterday. Go check it out. Feel free to add your own challenge for all the members to try (just set up your individual account first). It’s all about pushing each other!
Question: So tell me, what are your fitness goals? What’s beautiful to you?

Love this campaign! I have full faith that you WILL achieve your goals!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..What’s Beautiful?
Thanks sweetie!
I think this is awesome. I am not signing up right now because I’ve got a lot on my plate, but my goal, eventually, is to run a half marathon (maybe next year) starting with an hour run once a week, and eventually by the end of the summer up to 1 hour and 45 minutes!! For now all I care about is time….my legs and ankles need to get stronger before I make any more strides (haha, pun intended).
the Candid RD recently posted..FAQ Friday: “Gina, What Do YOU Eat Everyday?!”
That’s an awesome goal Gina! Half marathons are the best- not too crazy long but still a huge challenge.
I love this campaign beyond my connection with Fitfluential! Posts, like yours, are so motivating and inspiring. Like the image says, we’re so much stronger together 🙂
Jill @ Fitness, Health and Happiness recently posted..Join Under Armour and Show the World What’s Beautiful!
I participated last yer but didn’t take it as seriously as this year. I’m excited!
Heather recently posted..April Goal Rewind and May Goals
Go get it! 🙂
Kierston @candyfit recently posted..#RECIPEFRIDAY: Recipes I Plan On Making!
Great post-You look beautiful!
Thanks girlie!