Looking for a healthy snack? I have mixed reviews about energy bars. There are a few good ones out there and there are a lot that are full of junk. I recommend looking for the ones in their most natural form. If you look at the ingredient list and can’t pronounce or describe what the ingredient is, then it’s probably not the best choice.
I love these because the ingredients are so simple. For example, in the cherry pie bar: dates, almonds, unsweetened cherries. What else you wonder? That’s it. Three simple ingredients.
Ingredients in the apple pie bar: dates, almonds, unsweetened apples, walnuts, raisins.
Although I’ve only tried a few flavors, their flavor list is quite impressive- Key lime pie, Ginger Snap, Banana Bread, Blueberry Muffin, Cinnamon Roll. They are gluten-free, cholesterol-free and have no added sugar. The sugar that you do see listed is all natural from the fruit. It is still better to eat fresh fruit, but let’s be honest, we all need a pre-packed snack at times. They are all under 200 calories, are high in fiber (4-5 grams), vitamins and minerals and low in sodium and have a moderate amount of carbohydrates. The fat is from the nuts which is a heart healthy, unsaturated fat.
Having run 2 marathons before, I know that sometimes you are looking for a higher carb bar with a little sodium so in that instance this might not be the perfect match. However, for a healthy, satisfying snack these are perfect. When I do have them in the house I carry one in my purse and eat half for my morning snack and the other half in the afternoon.
You can find them at the regular grocery stores and I’ve seen them at Costco before.
What are your favorite energy bars?

That’s good to know-I am forever insearch of one just to have on hand at work and have not found one I like yet! So maybe this will work-will definietly try it. Thanks, Mimi
I’m a big fan of Larabar…my favorite is the cashew cookie or peanut butter cookie. So good! I actually broke a few pieces and took them with me on my half marathon as “fuel”…I’m not a fan of the goos so thought this was a better alternative.