Hi friends, I am super excited for this Friday because I am heading into Seattle (about an hour north from us) for the International Food Blog Conference. Yes, there really are conferences about food blogging!
It’s my second year attending and I am so thankful they decided to have it in Seattle again this year. Part of this trip is also a little mini-vacation. Attending this conference last year was the last time I was away from my kids and coming off the deployment I totally need a “me” weekend! I am super excited and can’t wait to eat, learn and socialize!
I will attend the conference sessions Saturday and Sunday but will hopefully get out to walk around Pike Place Market, eat at some awesome Seattle restaurants and maybe squeeze in a little shopping at Nordstrom and Anthropologie, which are conveniently located close to the hotel! Heck, even if I just lay in bed in the hotel and have a few moments of peace and quiet I will be a happy women!
Follow me on Instagram for conference and food photos!
It’s been a busy week getting my husband prepared for being on his own with the 4 kiddos so I am skipping Friday Favorites this week. I am hoping all goes well because he will have his hands full!
I could use some input on what session to attend on the last day (I realize if you aren’t a blogger, this might not be of interest to you). I think I have all the other figured out but these all sound like great ones. Which would you attend?
Session 1 (Writing): Professional Recipe Development with Shauna James Ahern, the Gluten-Free-Girl
What is the process of developing a recipe? What sources and methods does Shauna use? How do you ensure the recipe is truly original? Join Shauna in learning all about professional recipe development.
Session 2 (Tech): The Rules Have Changed: SEO for Bloggers in 2014 and Beyond
Join Moz’s product strategist Tim Resnik as he reviews the latest tips, tricks and tactics for optimizing your blog for search in 2014 and beyond. He’ll cover keyword and topical research and optimization, tools of the trade, and the latest with Google+. You will walk away from session with a list of immediate actions to improve your site.
Session 3 (Tech): Self-Publishing e-Books on Amazon.com
More and more we’re gobbling up rich content on electronic devices. Food blogger and author Vicky McDonald from Stasty.com will share her experience on what it takes to self-publish and market a beautiful e-book. Also, learn from Amazon.com’s Jon Fine as to what programs and services are available to all authors – traditional and self-published – including information on KDP, CreateSpace and more. So whether you’re already published or if you have dreams to publish, this is the session for you!
I will have recaps for you in the following week on what I learned and hopefully will have a lot of positive things to share!
Have a great weekend friends!
Questions: Bloggers, have you been to a blogging conference? Have you been to Seattle? Any favorite restaurants? Which session would you attend?

Have a wonderful time! Like you said, even laying in bed all by yourself in quiet for 5 minutes sounds amazing. I’d go to #3 just because you need to publish a cook book. I’d buy it!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..Reach the Beach Relay {Leg 3}
Thanks friend. You are such a great support!
(((gets ready to take notes from you on the selfpublishing on amazon)))
CARLA recently posted..My touchstone.
I’ve been to BlogHer Food and will be going to Texas Bytes and the end of this month . . . .. your conference looks fantastic and I agree, take lots of notes on the ebook publishing and share 😉
Jennifer F recently posted..Six Fall Season Smoothie Recipes
Blogging conferences are fun for sure! Expensive but fun!
Ohh have so much fun!! I would love to go to that!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul recently posted..Friday Five 33
Have so much fun! Can’t wait to hear what you learn!
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