I feel like I’ve been away from the world of blogging forever. Truly. Such an abnormal past month for me. Food has been far, far away from my mind. In fact, the majority of food pretty much makes me sick.
And I can’t go another day without telling you my secret and the reason why!
I am super excited to announce that I am pregnant with #4! I know, crazy!! I am still in shock that I will be a mother of four children! Growing up with one brother, when I was younger I always imagined I’d have 2 kids as well, but once I started having them I knew that wasn’t my path. My husband and I are truly thrilled that our family is growing.
Beyond the initial excitement, weeks 5 through 9 have left me feeling nauseous, tired (obviously) and just unable to do normal things like sit on the computer or read or think straight. I have felt blah to sum it up. Now that I am 9 weeks I am starting seeing the light at the end of tunnel. I wouldn’t say I feel good, but it’s more tolerable. From the history of my other 3 pregnancies, the first 10-12 weeks are pretty yucky and then I tend to feel normal entering that 2nd trimester. I am still taking meds to keep the nausea at bay, but I can tell it’s better. Food is still very touchy for me. Most of it I dislike…
But then there are random things that sound ok to me…celery with ranch? Yes please. But mostly food is not my friend. Right now.
Oh and workouts have been slim to nothing. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I kept up with my runs, even went on a family bike ride at around week 5….but then the nausea got worse so exercise was put on hold. The good news is I did make it to the gym over the weekend and I felt OK! Things are looking up I tell ya! I even managed to write this whole post.
It’s truly strange how the body works, but for now I am just doing what ever I think will make me feel best and that is a lot of sleep, staying off the computer for long periods of time and eating what I can. I am only down 2 pounds so far which is pretty normal at the beginning. For those of you that I usually chat with more online, now you know why I’ve been a little absent! I know I will be back to normal before long so stay with me!
I basically haven’t cooked a real meal (other than my husband’s birthday dinner) in the last month and I look forward to getting back in the kitchen and sharing recipes with you all!
Anyway I better get back to resting, this post just set me back a few hours in bed, haha. I just wanted to share our excitement and let you know that I’ll be out of my first trimester funk before too long! XOXO
Questions: If you’ve been pregnant did you have morning sickness? Any weird cravings? Did food not appeal to you?

Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your family!
Debbie @ Live from La Quinta recently posted..Friday Fitness: The Seven Minute Workout
Thanks so much Debbie. We are excited too. Now just waiting to feel human again! 😉
Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted..Foodie Pen Pals May
Thanks girl!
Congratulations Melanie!! I’m so happy for you and your family! When I was pregnant with my first, all I wanted to eat was ketchup. And then with my second, I just wanted to eat fried chicken and bacon…and I was mostly vegetarian at the time. ha!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Friday Round-Up: Seizing the Moment
thanks Christine! Love your cravings. You truly never know what’s going to hit! I am sure once I feel better I will have some more enjoyable cravings!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you! I didn’t have too bad of morning sickness when I was pregnant. Little nausea but I craved carbs so bad at the beginning. Crackers and bagels were all I wanted. Hope you are near the end of the worst!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..May 2013 in Review
Thank you friend! I know what you mean about the carbs! I can eat a bowl of oatmeal and then finish it off with a bowl of cold cereal. Haha. Bagels too- those basic foods have saved me!
Thanks Lindsay!!
Congrats!!! I had nausea with my first daughter and I sucked on peppermints all day to keep it at bay! As a teacher I had to deal with lots of smells so the peppermints helped quiet my belly! With my second I had a HUGE adversion to quinoa! I mean I couldn’t even see recipes using it! I had to steer clear of Pinterest for a while! I haven’t had any since she was born…too scared to test the waters! I hope you are feeling much better soon!
Fancy Nancy recently posted..Fitness Friday…Arooo It’s In You! Reebok Spartan Race Giveaway
Thanks Nancy! How funny- quinoa of all things? You definitely never know what’s going to throw you off. I just hate opening the fridge right now! haha. I am staying far away from food blogs and cooking magazines until it’s gone.
Kierston @candyfit recently posted..OPA Ontario Championships: Let’s Do This!
Thanks girl!
Congrats!! I’m so excited for you!!
Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie recently posted..The QUEST for the Perfect Protein Bar (Giveaway)
Thank you Erin!!
I was super sick with both kids. With my son, I craved Frosted Mini Wheats. With my daughter, I barely wanted to eat anything. I hated anything with red sauce during that pregnancy too. I was afraid I would never like pizza again. Congrats!
Jenn @comebackmomma recently posted..Healthy Recipe: Watermelon, Mint, and Feta Salad
Thanks Jenn! So funny you say that because I made a big batch of homemade marinara for my husband’s bday dinner and by the end of the day I was so sick from the smell I couldn’t even eat it! I had to have plain pasta. I am not sure when I’ll be able to have red sauce again!! So weird!
Congrats Melanie! You are going to LOVE having 4 kids. It’s such a wonderful, balanced number 🙂 So happy for you.
Thanks so much Janea! I am so excited.
Congratulations!! 🙂
Maureen recently posted..2 Ingredients to Happiness
Thanks Maureen!!
Congrats on your big happy family! 🙂 Hope you feel better soon.
Aww, thanks so much Tiff!
Hooray, Melanie!! Such exciting news!! My husband is one of four boys and it’s so much fun to get together with his side of the family… big families are a blast!! Hope you feel better soon!
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast recently posted..Need a comped race entry?
Thanks so much Laura. Can’t wait to get back to normal. My husband has 4 kids in the family too and they do such a great job at staying in touch and seeing each other. Love it.
EXCITING! Congrats! 🙂 I was soooo sick my 1st tri too now that I’m over half way, thankfully it’s gone!
Annette@FitnessPerks recently posted..Currently Survey {May}
Thanks Annette! 1st trimesters are pretty terrible. I can’t wait to get to the next phase! Glad you are feeling better too!
Congrats!!! You know how excited I am for you and the family 🙂 and I am glad to hear you’re starting to feel a bit better. Not long now and you’ll be feelin’ that 2nd trimester bliss! I too was sick with all 3 kids till about 14 weeks. Just remember it will get better 🙂 I love ya! Now go put those feet up 🙂
Yes, I am counting down the weeks! xoxo
Thank you Caroline!
congrats! your kids are beautiful!
glenneth recently posted..Fabulous Friday Five . . .
Thanks so much Glenneth!
So excited for you (and tired as well!)!
I read recently that 4 children is actually easier and less stressful than 3. I have 3 and won’t be having a fourth, so I’ll be looking forward to hearing a report.
Tamara recently posted..May’s Free Pinterest-friendly Workouts of the Day
Thanks so much Tamara. I truly think it does get easier the more you have, to a certain degree. Of course you are busier but they have each other. I am excited!
Oh Melanie, congratulations! I am in awe of you!
Thanks friend! Crazy but exciting! 🙂
Thanks Ari!
So glad to see this post!!!! I forgot when you typically announce your pregnancies 🙂
Love to you pregnancy buddy!
I probably would’ve announced even sooner but haven’t had the energy to write a proper post! haha! We need to catch up soon!
Wow! Good for you! So exciting! And brave ;). I really want to have a #3 but I can barely manage my two crazy boys as it is!!! I can’t wait to get updates!
Bree {Skinny Mommy} recently posted..Greek Chicken Burger With Tapenade and Yogurt Sauce
Thanks Bree! Life will certainly be crazy, but fun! xoxo
Congratulations! No, of course it doesn’t sound crazy. Best of health to you and your little bean!
Chris recently posted..What Is Brain Entrainment?
Thanks Chris, I appreciate that!
We are so SO happy for you all Melanie. Can’t wait to meet baby number 4.
Tonya Staab recently posted..Disneyland: Mickey and the Magical Map