Most of my personal family pictures are over at my family blog, but I do want to remember this time and what I’ve been doing the last 6 months (i.e. being pregnant). This was taken two weeks ago at 25 weeks. I haven’t been great about getting belly shots, but am going to try to get better in the last trimester. I can’t wait to meet this baby (no, we’re not finding out the gender) sometime in October/November. This blog has been my (very little, teeny, tiny) part-time job to keep me thinking of things other than being pregnant and taking care of my other two kiddos. I appreciate everyone that stops by, reads along and tries the recipes. 🙂
There isn’t much to report about this pregnancy- it’s been smooth sailing since after the first trimester which was pretty miserable- I had more nausea than with the other two pregnancies and we made a huge move from Hawaii to Missouri. Now that it’s all behind me, the pregnancy has been perfect. I’ve got plenty of energy and luckily can still keep up with my kids, exercise, cooking, all while dealing with the close to 100 degree temps. Food cravings = nothing in particular although I love baking homemade sweets so I fit that in every other week or so (ok, maybe every week). Although being pregnant is magical, I am always eager to get back my normal body, clothes….and wine. Oh how I miss wine. So there you have it, a 27 week recap!
I will be back later today with a new recipe and my meal plan for the week!!

Your bump looks so cute! I’ll be 27 weeks tomorrow, so it sounds like we’re at a very similar stage of pregnancy, and we’re also not finding out the gender. Hope it continues to go well!!